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Jan 24, 2011
Hello everyone. I found this site while searching for information on using cages after a house fire. I used to chat in UpatSix years ago. So much has changed on the internet!

April, if you read this, I understand about losing Russell. On 29 November we had a house fire. I lost all three of my parrots, Cricket, my thirteen yr old CAG I'd raised, Echo, a timneh rescue and Daisy Mae, a wonderful female eclectus. Oh the stories I could tell about Cricket's wicked sense of humor and intelligence. One of her stories was written up after Hurricane Rita on how to evacuate with parrots. I so miss my conversations with her, the tricks she liked to play on us and the dogs.

We're now in a doublewide until we rebuild and I want to get another CAG when I can find one. I can't seem to be able to find a reputable breeder here. The people I got Cricket from retired from breeding and moved somewhere else. Can I use Cricket's old cage? I'm worried about if I can clean it enough to get the smoke and fire retardent off. Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you.
Welcome to the forum! I am so very sorry for you tragic loss. How devastating to loose your birds and your home. Yes, if you scrub your cage well with a good bleach solution and as long as nothing melted you should be able to use the cage again. All toys of course must be thrown away and I would get new food and water bowls. Where are you located and we can put you in touch with some good breeders. You may want to consider rescue.
That is such a sad story, how devastating losing your home and your birds.
Greycloud has given great advise, pertaining to the cage and the toys. As well as seeking breeders in your area. So many birds in rescue centres, waiting to be placed in a loving and caring home
Hopefully other members will assist in your area
That is awful to hear. I'm sooooo sorry for your loss of not only your home, but also you pets as well. My 14 year old black lab suffered a severe stroke two days before Christmas and we had to have her put to sleep and it's been devistating to me. I just can't imagine what you are going through. I hope the rest of the year, fortune smiles upon you and your family.
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Thank you, everyone. I did consider a rescue, but I think I want to get a baby first. I may consider a rescue again later on. Saturday they will finish the last of the work on the doublewide, which has taken almost a month. One more day to have to move the dogs to my son's house and then we can start decorating and feel like we are 'home'. And I can seriously begin my search for my Grey. I wouldn't get one when I had to keep moving animals from one house to another for a day and then move them back again in the evening. Also, want all the plaster dust completely gone from the house before bringing in a bird.

Thank you everyone for your welcome.


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