New to Golden Conures--Advice Wanted


New member
Apr 1, 2014
San Diego, California
Constantine the Golden Conure (Queen of Bavaria)
I just recently purchased a Golden Conure and I can't help but to notice the lack of different resources for information on them so I was wondering if there is anyone here that has experience with Golden Conures who is willing to give some much needed advice on them regarding breed-specific behavior, diets/treats, training, habits, ect. If you have any helpful links or book titles that would help A LOT too.

Thank you!! :orange: :)
Wow, what an interesting birdie! I did a google search and it linked me to this forum but it looks like the threads are a few years old, so you might try searching this forum. He's beautiful!
I mentioned in another post (I think your intro thread?) about Omar's Exotic Birds in San Diego. I'm not sure how close to you they are, but Omar breeds Golden Conures for his stores, so calling them (or any one of the Omar's stores) might get you some verbal info. I've been to all 4 stores in Southern CA, and all seem to have knowledgable qualified staff.
Same dietary requirements as any other conure really. Pellets, fruits, veggies, nuts, sweet potato, rice, etc.

Limit the amount of seed they get in their diet as these birds are prone to fatty liver disease. No more than 10% seed as a general rule. Safflower is probably best. Just a little as a treat.

Other than that, they are essentially, similar to macaws in personality. Very playful. Very trainable. Fun. Goofy. Toddler-like.

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Thank you so much! I am going to be looking into what ingredients to put in a seed/fruit/veggie mix for Constantine that way I can have a list of what to pick up at the store as soon as we get back to San Diego. I'm glad to hear they are similar to macaws, I love macaws! *sigh* I miss my bird. :( Wont be home until April 19..
I've heard they're Macaw like also. The ones in the store always act like snuggly macaws!

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