New to birds and the forums


New member
Dec 28, 2013
Denver -ish
Nero-B&G Macaw-hatch 12/20/11-DNA male
Ocha-G Quaker-7yo- Female
Razzbin-Jenday Conure- hatch 1/21/13- ?
Hello everyone! I'm Jamie and I am new birds. I have always always wanted a bird, but I'm not really into pet shops. All of my pets have always been re-homes or rescue, with the exception of 1.

My first bird came to us on impulse, but I knew I could offer her a better life than what I was told she had in the past. Ocha is a green Quaker who was dumped at petco. She was a skinny little thing that was missing lots of feathers around her neck. She was in a very small cage in the rodent supply isle. We walked past her and she lunged at my daughter then started laughing. In my eyes that meant people would tease her and then laugh when she would try and bite. So sad. I asked an employee about her. This is what I was told. People dropped her off saying she is a BOY bird that laid eggs. That they had her about 7 years but was never really handled. So at that moment I knew I had to have her. We brought her home, bought her a huge castle of a cage, and started working with her. Within the first week of having her she broke her leg. She really had no clue about outside that cage. The vet said she was under weight, calcium deficient, overall a wreck. But that was months and months ago and now she is very social with select people, has almost all of her feathers and is simply a joy. We attempted to let her wings grow back, but that was a disaster. After a few months of her having flight, she kept getting hurt, so sadly she is clipped again.

A few months into Ocha we decided another bird might help Ocha learn birdy behaviors. Ocha wasn't very bird like, she was more like a lump on a perch... No matter what we tried. So back to petco, not for a bird, but pet food shopping. That is where we noticed the same bird that was there long BEFORE we got Ocha was STILL sitting there, alone in that glass case of a sound proof box. My husband asked to see that bird.... And home came Razzbin, a Jenday Conure. She will a year old in January.

Ocha and Razzbin get along in small doses. Razzbin has really helped Ocha with lots of birdy things even at a distance.

I have my littles and I'm hooked! So I started researching larger birds. I really really wanted a cockatoo but all the research I did scared the crap out of me. Being so new to birds I was scared at all that could go wrong if I didn't do everything exactly right and even then, I was too freaked out for a 'Too. Then I looked into macaws and greys. Both were a good choice but I wanted one that needed a home. I have both dogs and cats in my home, so the bird rescues were not very fond of that. So I started watching craigslist. Looking for a good match to come along...

That is where I fell in love with Nero (jack in his past home) . Nero was hatched 12/2011, sold from a pet store in Aug 2012, then moved 6 times and was boarded 2 months before being sold to me in Nov 2013. Nero is amazing, but has some weird things going on. Which is what is taking me to the forums for suggestions/ answers. Since this is a welcome thread, I will post those questions somewhere else on here. Nero has been to the vet and had a full blood/stool work up done.... Because we were already drawing blood for medical, we went ahead and had him DNA sexed, he is a boy!

I was on another forum prior to this one looking for help. But I figured the more eyes on, the more suggestions and thoughts I will get. I'm learning more and more each day and love learning more!

This turned out a bit longer than expected, thanks for reading!

-Jamie from Denver ish :)
its amazing that you have the heart to give them all a better home! i'm sure you'll get lots of advice from everyone here:)
I wouldn't rule out a rescue Cockatoo if I were you. Personally, the people that have them that don't know how to properly care for them, don't have as much patience as you do from what I read. They're wonderful birds if you give them lots of love and attention. If you're planning on having children one day or potential life changes that could affect your Cockatoo, that might be a different story. They can be noisy too, but you seem to be doing lots of research.

Thanks for being such a devoted owner.
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Now that I have my B&G I have to rule out the cockatoo, everything I have read says that the dust from a 'too is really bad for the Macs. Is this true?

Not that I'm looking into getting another anything right now. Lol my house is full! Kind of like a zoo here. 3 kids, 4 dogs, 3 cats, and 3 birds..... Then the husband who is the craziest animal in the house! Hehe


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And what is this secret nickname for birds I keep seeing? Hehehe think I'm a bit slow sometimes. Thanks!
Welcome to the forum!!! Yes a lot of macaws are allergic to the powder dust from cockatoos and such. An air purifier will help with a lot of that issue.

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