New species of dinosaur discovered!


Well-known member
Jul 12, 2012
1 BFA- Kiwi. Hatch circa 98', forever home with us Dec. 08'
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Wow! What a fabulous find this was, and yet more proof parrots (and all birds) are really just modern day dinosaurs. The fossil is spectacular and the technology they're using to analyze the colorations of dinosaurs is incredible, even if there is some speculation. 161 million years old and had feathers/wings! Must be a port-parrot:D

Love it!
When I see the pinning of Kalani's eyes, I swear it reminds me of a scene from Jurassic park, every time.
I read that too! Super stoked! They don't think it could even fly! They have found feathers on raptors too. I think it's absolutely fascinating!
A flyer, as compared to a modern Parrot (bird) likely not.

A flyer /glider, I would be willing to bet on that. That tail has some serious surface area and those feathered covered legs, would be interesting to see the flexibility of the leg positioning.
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It's fascinating to me how common feathers seem to be on dinosaurs and how long ago they must've evolved! I am convinced this in no case of convergent evolution at work here either. The dinosaurs never "died out" entirely, they just evolved into what we now call birds. Personally, I'm convinced parrots have retained a bit more of their Jurassic linage than others:D In any case, we all have a mini Jurassic Park right in our living rooms:p
Very Cool!
My son has special needs and is a huge dinosaur fan. He has nicknamed Levi, Allosaurus . . :)

I'm def going to show him this article. Thx for sharing :smile049:
Great story, April!

The human fascination with dinosaurs begins at a young age. I'll bet they were majestic creatures from afar! Makes me wonder why more folks don't gravitate to parrots as companions.... but as we know that is probably a good thing!
Another new one!
As I understand it, the way the asteroid killed off all the critters was it exploded in the atmosphere into a million billion gazillion tiny balls of molten iron, and set everything in the world on fire. Trees, dinosaurs, everything. The only animals that survived were probably underground, maybe in a cave, in some protected place anyway. So maybe there was a kind of burrowing dinosaur, like a burrowing owl? No one can look at a parrot's feet and not see dinosaur!
Those dinosaurs remind me a lot of Turacos, which are very unique birds, and also not really capable of flight but can cross the forest canopy very quickly.

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