New Senegal


New member
May 21, 2014
Newfoundland and Labrador Canada
Hi all;
New here:)
Last week I acquired Kiwi, a 3 year old (?) Senegal. Seems very nervous when I approach him. Tends to bite. I can feed him by hand when he is in the cage. Once in a while I can scratch his head and neck through the cage bars other times he bites. . When I approach him in the cage he will sometimes run away.:(
He does say a few word and enjoys swinging upside down on his perch. I want to be sure I do every right for Kiwi in his new home.

Any suggestion?


Congrats! Sennies are great birds. I recommend continuing what you're doing and let the bird come to you at his/her own pace.

I would also recommend opening the cage and letting him/her come out on their own and giving treats from there. Sennies are naturally more cautious than some other species.

Someone will hopefully come along and explain target training, which is can also be helpful. Sennies are very good at learning tricks.
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Thanks for your help thekarens. I will open the door and let him progress at his own pace. Patience is a virtue
Looking forward to being a member of Parrot. :) (my first forum)
Hi and welcome!! I too am new to owning a Senegal =D I havent had mine a full day yet as i type this! We can learn together =D

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