New Plum Head Parakeet!


New member
Nov 14, 2011
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2 Plum Heads. Indian Ringneck. Hahns Macaw <3
Well as you may know I was searching for a new bird, I had it down to either a ringneck, a plum head, or a rosella. I almost went with a ringneck but came across this beautiful plum head! She is 3 years old and came from a older lady who couldnt care for her any more. She didnt have a name for her (so I may need your help with that lol) but she is smart and healthy! The only problem is she will bite before she steps up but I hope that will stop in time. Just wanted to brag about her lol!
There is a picture in the gallery of her, I tried to attach one to this post but not sure if it worked =/
She's pretty!! I got Puck from a lady who couldn't take care of him anymore.
Beautiful bird you've got there! Congrats!!!
Thank you all! Any ideas for a name for her? I still have nothing.. lol
Must agree, she's beautiful! I'm no good with names either. Still need to think of a name for my little one lol. I've still got a week though.
And her name shall be Letta! lol
Thanks =] Shes wont bite me as much any more and wont bite my fiance at all (of course) if I get another bird I think Im going to get another plumhead. She is awesome!
I have a breeding pair of Plum Heads I named them Cray and Ola... ya get it? These birds are hard to find. Cray and Ola had 4 babies this year. I have one that is not taken. They are not sexed. Great birds and beautiful.
I have a breeding pair of Plum Heads I named them Cray and Ola... ya get it? These birds are hard to find. Cray and Ola had 4 babies this year. I have one that is not taken. They are not sexed. Great birds and beautiful.

Aww I want it!!! they are so pretty
It seems Iv had her alot longer than I really have. Iv been looking for a male for her for a few months now and cant find anything =/

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