New parents :)


New member
May 13, 2020
Spring Hill, FL
Basil - 22yr male SI Eclectus
River - male GCC
Nemo - female BCC - handicapped
Summer - female pineapple gcc
Rainbow - male yellow side gcc
Lando - male black headed caique
Paprika - female SI eclectu
For years, I have always wanted a black headed caique. Well, this past weekend, my fiance and I adopted a 5 week 5 day old baby! Yes, I know some will yell about buying an unweaned bird, but I assure you we know what we are doing. I have a 22 year old male SI eclectus who I fed from 5 weeks old, and we have hand fed three green cheek and two black cap conures. These are all still alive and healthy in our flock.

We are thinking we will settle on the name Bandit for him/her, since we don't have the DNA sex test back yet.

I would like to ask any of you to share some things to read for understanding caiques and their behavior, whether it is links, youtube videos, etc. We have done our homework, but experience trumps everything else.

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We have found out that our bird is a baby boy. We are torn between the names Zorro and Bandit. It’s probably going to be bandit as he is quite the escape artist. He every day is finding ways to get out of his tub. He is still too little to move to the cage.

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I’ll bet he is adorable....we do expect some pics :)
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Oh my goodness, look at that cute little baby face!

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Here is from when he first came home.


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So much cuteness in one little package :)
Look at the giant feetz!!

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Caiques are one of my fav parrots! I have a funny story about them. When Geri and I were still looking and making up our mind, we visited a bird shop who had a dozen or so young (5-6 month old) caiques in a good size cage. Another customer asked to see one, and when the worker opened up the door to the cage, all the caiques gave the door the bums rush and scrambled out the door. We were laughing our stupid heads off naturally - they were running all over the worker, and onto other cages. It took quite a long time until they recaptured all of them! We kept saying "FREEDOM!!" like Mel Gibson in Braveheart. Did not endear us to the shop at all.

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