New owner question


New member
Sep 28, 2012
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Hello everyone, I purchased what I thought was a hand fed Peach Faced baby from our local bird store. When I met the bird I was told it was not weaned yet and would be ready in aprox 2 weeks. During that time I should visit so I could bond with the bird. I visited a few times and finally took my little sweetie home. After being in my house this bird is not like the sweet baby at the store. We are making progress and getting to know each other.

I asked the store owner exactly how old my bird was and he just told me it was hatched in May! I thought I was buying a 8 - 10 week old and here my bird is 5 months old? I am wondering @ 5 months is there something different to do to try and train the bird or should I keep plugging along? It has gotten pretty nippy this past week.
I don't know how you are trying to handle your bird, but you may want to try feeding him/her from your hand. In this way, he'll associate you with good things, and once he's more comfortable, you can start to get him used to coming to your hand for a reward.
I found a treat she likes and I sit on the floor and she climbs up on my lap and will take the treat out of my hand and eat it. When I first came home the bird appeared to understand "up" but last week it decided it would be more fun to flutter away when I approach. that is why I was wondering if maybe we are reaching a sort of terrible 2's stage.

I thought I had a 2 to 3 month old but I have a 5 month old.

It also just started being interested in toys, it will "play" with the toys I have it used to just sit on the perch.

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