New Mom


New member
Aug 30, 2012
Trophy Club, TX
Congo African Grey

I've had birds all my life. I began with parakeets, had a cockateel for 15 years and now have a 12-year old Blue Crown Conure.

I adopted a 2-year old Congo African Grey last Saturday. When we were introduced, he gladly came out of his cage and sat on my finger. After getting him home, he came to me and took treats from my hand without incident. He has a huge vocabulary!

My husband works from home an has been interacting with him most of the day. I've been interacting with him before and after work every day this week and he has slowly become more aggressive toward me. When I try to get him to step on my finger, he puts his head down. When I try to touch him, he acts like he's going to bite me. When I was covering the other bird's cage for the night, he pecked on my shoulder and bit me.

He is allowing my husband and daughter to pick him up, but he only lets me when he's not on his cage. He also comes at me when I try to refill his food.

I've done tons of research and I know it takes them a week or so to get used to their new surroundings, but he's doing fine with everyone else in the house.

Has anyone else had this problem?

Heartbroken :(
First congrat to your new familymember..

Work at home and at the same time taking care of a parrot can in long terms be difficult. So doing that in the begining and maby not later can cause a lot of problem for the CAG. So build up long lasting routines.

If your husbond is interacting with the perrot the whole day the it can be difficult fo him (the perrot lol) to bonding with you, he simply dont have a reason to do it. So I surgest that you learn him from the beginning not to have company all the time so that his life is a little boring..and you comming "to safe him".
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Thank you! That makes sense. I'll have to see if I can convince my husband to leave him alone long enough for me to be able to enjoy Neo.


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