New member with questions about Macaws


New member
Aug 25, 2012
Umbrella Cockatoo
Hello Parrot Forums members!,

I am brand new to the site and this is my first post. I currently do not have a parrot, but would like to get one in the near future. I have done plenty of research on the different types of bird/parrots, and feel that the Macaw would probably be a good fit for me. I'm well prepared to spend between $2,000-$2,500 for the bird and probably another $500-600 for a proper cage. I live next to an excellent bird avery, and will basically be putting a deposite down for a baby macaw and visiting it untill it's ready to go home.

I learned today that there are several different types of Macaws, with their own different behavioral traits. My question is this.....what type of Macaw do you feel makes the most docile or affectionate Macaw? Is it the Ruby, Blue and Gold, Green wing, Scarlet, etc. I spent some time with a Ruby Macaw today that was fully weaned and ready to go home. The bird liked to have it's head scratched and to be cuddled.

I understand how the bird is raised is a major part of the birds behavior. Like I mentioned before, I will be spending a lot of time with it as a baby, during it's weaning stage.

From the research I gathered, the Macaw is obviously a beautiful large parrot with moderate talking abilities, can be very loud, more affectionate than an amazon, and not as needy as a Cockatoo.

Any information you can give me from your personal experience with these birds is appreciated.

I am not trying to be mean by saying this, however, if sufficient research had been done you would not just be learning about the different species of macaws. I think that you should really spend some time figuring out the ins and outs of bird ownership. Have you owned a bird in the past? What kind of information have you learned so far? Are you prepared for a lifetime of noise, mess, destruction, and a large spacial need? Are you in a stable environment? This is just a few of the many things that need to be thought of before you take the plunge. Stick around and ask tons of questions.
Agreed. ASk questions, continue in on your research and try to get handle a macaw. They are huge challenges. My Red Front Macaw Elvis was my first bird, but I had known him for a while, so its kinda cheating. They are one of the messiest, largest,and loudest of the parrots, but some are the exception of course. Good luck and browse the forum for posts about them, such as their funny side, messy, and agressive sides. We all have differnet types of macaws that all act differently. But def. find a pet store or local macaw owner so yo can handle one yourself.
You say you'll spend a lot of time with this bird as a baby and during the weaning stage...

How much time will you spend with this bird over the next 60 years?
Welcome to the message board, Your question was, what Macaw out of the ones you mentioned make for the most docile macaw. The answer to this question is no contest. The Green Wing is known to be the gentle giant of the Macaw family next to the Hy Macaw. Green wings form bonds with their owner and are very strong. They love to be cuddled, they love to interact with you. They thrive being social with their owner and yerns to be with their owner whenever you allow them to be. Green wings start out young and are a little stand off towards a new owner until they get the chance to trust you, but as you stated you will be visiting them as they wean, you will soon see a huge change in them, and this bond is for life with the Green wing. Another issue is most Macaws become a one person bird unless they are trained a very young age to be social with many people in the Family.You will also be surprised to find out that out of the Macaws, the Green wing is known to be pretty quiet and are very good talkers.
They other Macaws mentioned in your thread the Hybrid Ruby Macaw, B&G Macaw, and Scarlet seems sweet as young birds but as they mature, they can become nippy and moody. Specially when in season and love is in the air. The Scarlet as pretty as they are grow to ne very nippy out of all the Macaws.
This is the time when the owner needs to let them be until the hormones calm down.
Please be advised that a Macaw cage as a new cage will run approx $1000.00 to $1500.00.
Do your homework, ask many questions, try to ask question on how the Macaw can adjust to your life style, their diet as they mature, time being spent with the Macaw, how to handle them, time outs, training, behavior issues, vet visits, cage size, toys, all of these questions need to be answered on this message board from owners of Macaws or the breeder or aviary you are purchasing your Macaw from. Best of luck Joe
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Thanks so much for answering my question. Good information! That's what I was looking for.
From the research I gathered, the Macaw is ... not as needy as a Cockatoo.
I'm not sure I'd count on that. It varies from bird to bird and some Macaws can be very, very needy.

Welcome to the forum.
I have a blue and gold. She is awesome. I am not an expert on species other than to say I have heard the scarlets and militarys can be high strung. Blue and Golds generally tend to be easy to get along with. Mine is definitely a family bird, and LOVES to meet new people constantly.
She is very needy. My advice is that the personality of the bird is important. My macaw is super hyper, and needy. She is about 2 and she is beginning to calm down. She is flighted (wings not clipped), so that also attributes to her having more energry and being more aggressive. She is also very smart, and can calm down, but I have seen other blue and gold much quieter. It does depends on how you raise, but also on the nature of the bird. Just like humans. I also have generally heard good things about green wings being more calm.
Macaws are super messy.
Ive had an amazon for over 30 years, added a macaw, and was soooooo surprised by how exponentially more messy they are.
But awesome!

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