New Member with Black Cap


New member
Dec 12, 2012
St. Cloud, Minnesota
Black capped conure - Jazz
Hi! My name is Brian, and my girlfriend and I are the proud roommates of a black capped conure named Jazz. He just turned two on the fifth of December, and he's just a joy.


As I type, he's drifting between sleep and reminding me he's pretty.

I'm sure I'll be spending a lot of time on here, looking forward to meeting all of you and your birds!
Welcome to the forum! Jazz is a very cute little guy!
welcome to the forum and Jazz is really cute:)
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Thanks everyone! If he could blush, I'm sure he would be right now! He's actually my first parrot, and the lady and I are learning a lot. Definitely the most rewarding experience I've ever had in terms of animal companionship!
Welcome to the forum... I love conures..
Welcome to the forum Brian! I have a conure named Jazz as well - he is a Jenday - and as I type he's sitting behind me - reminding me that I am his!! :)
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thanks everyone!

@slowstitcher One of our friends has a Jenday named Maverick. They're so gorgeous! And I approve of the name ;)

Every day with him is an adventure. I have a lot to learn; training is kind of a slow process at this point, but he's learning patience with me. He doesn't nip anymore! I had to teach him that attacking things, no matter how playfully, isn't gonna make them go away! A couple of pecks is a small price to pay to get him to play nicely with all of our other animals! :D

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