New member UK


New member
Jan 10, 2014
Nottinghamshire uk
Red lored Amazon
Hi every one I'm new to the forum ive just purchased a 2 year old red lored Amazon which is semi tame bites if u try to get him to step on to hand speaks very well and loves being stroked how can I stop the biting anyone who has experience with this breed any advice is welcome and how can I find outwit sex this bird is it does have a ring on leg if that can help me in any way thanks everyone (sorry about grammar writing not my strong point ¦) ):green1:
Hi :)
The only way to find out the sex of your bird is to have it DNA tested, or if it lays an egg.

There are a few different methods to stop biting, which may work differently depending on your bird. To start with, you need to understand why he's biting you. If he's biting when you try to get him to 'step up', it may be that your hand is scaring him. Try getting him to step up onto a stick first, and reward him if he does so.
Hello and welcome! I'd love to see pictures of your new family member:)

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