New Member/Sick baby


New member
Aug 3, 2013
Rockford IL
Ozzy 9 year old Blue front Amazon rescued two years ago.

My name is Bobbi. I have a 9 year old Blue-Front Amazon. I rescued him two years ago from a very abusive situation. He has done very well with me although he still does not trust anyone but me.

Earlier this week he started picking at his feet. I noticed that he was biting them so hard that they were bleeding. I took him to the vet and he has a severe infection. She did blood work and his white blood cell counts were off the chart. He is now on an antibiotic and some pain meds. I had her do blood work two years ago when I first brought him home so that if anything ever came up with him she could have a comparison. She was pleased that his liver and kidney numbers were still good. The only changes were his WBC and he was a little high on his calcium level. He was suppose to go back to the vet yesterday but she was sick. He took a turn for the worse last night. He picked at his feet so bad that there is a lot of blood on them today. The AV in town is still sick and there is no other vets in town that care for birds. I called a vet that comes into my town every 4 months (Ozzy will see him on Friday as the first appt.) He thinks it may be bumble foot.

I changed all of his perches today and put in soft rope ones. I had already covered the bottom of his cage with a soft towel. The vet suggested that I soak his feet in warm water. The owners of the bird store in town suggested that I spray him with diluted vinegar water. Has anyone tried these things? I am trying to make him as comfortable as possible until the local AV sees him on Monday and the specialist can see him on Friday. When I talked to the local vet on Thursday, she mentioned that she may put him in a cone on Friday (But then she was sick). Has anyone had any luck with a bird in a cone? I went to his local vet today to pick up his blood work and they gave me some xray film and tape to try to make a cone for him. I am just not sure how to do put it on him. If need be I can take him to UW in Madison to their emergency clinic (that is why I picked up his blood work) but they said it will cost around $3000.00 So any suggestions that anyone has on top of what I am already doing would be great.

On the positive side, he is eating, drinking and pooping like normal (drinking more because of the antibiotic but the vet told me this is good).

Thank you in advance for any help,

Bobbi and Ozzy
Welcome to the forum! I bump this thread up for you cause it was a double post...
Hey Bobbi and ozzy, you might need to practice making the E Cone with paper first. If your using film for the final product put tape on the edge that comes into contact with his skin.The cone only needs to be long(deep) enough so he can't reach his feet, hestill needs to be able to eat and drink. If he can be fitted with the cone you might be able to get something (Rx) as a pain killer for his feet. Pain is why he's biting at them. I would not let him ingest the meds which is what will happen with out the collar. If the issue is bumble foot you shouold have noticed red sores and swollen pads on his foot. It's a skin infection . You could also try putting Baytril direct on the sores. The problem could also be scaly leg mites. Touch a piece of scotch tape to the area of his leg that has no feathers. Use a magnifying glass to check for very small bugs. Usually white in color with a dark red center (blood). I'd keep him in a warm place out of the AC draft.

I would say skip the vinegar water, it sounds like one of those who thinks vinegar solves everything kinda deal.. can imagine the vinegar sting some on the foot though in the wounds.. Go with what the Dr said..
I agree, skip the vinegar and go with the Dr. Henpecked also gave you some good advice as well. Good luck.

And welcome to the forum! :D

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