New Member Here


New member
Jun 2, 2012
Vacaville, CA
Eclectus - female
Cockatiel - male and female
Hey All,

My name is Sharon. I am the proud owner of a six-year-old female eclectus. She is my second eclectus. My husband and I love the breed, so we decided to get another after our first passed on. I'm here for support and answers. This girl is broody and she's laid 4 eggs within about a week's time and that scares me. I noticed today she's preparing to lay again. It's been probably a good three weeks since she laid the 4, but I'm trying to dissuade her. Obviously it's not working, so I'll be posting in the forums for suggestions.

Sharon :red:
Hello and welcome to the Forum:) I am sure someone will come along soon that can advise you.. There are lots of Ekkie Owners here :)
I don't have any advice, but welcome to the forum. It is great here with a lot of good info and support.

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