New member and new owner of a Shamrock Macaw


New member
May 23, 2015
Bonny-Shamrock Macaw, Pan-Quaker Parrot, Hermes-Cockatiel
Hey everyone. I have a 14+ y/old Cockatiel (Hermes) and a 6 y/old Quaker (Pan) and this last Friday added a 2 y/old Shamrock Macaw called Pirate (will be changed after he/she is DNA sexed). I grew up with my family owning African Greys along with a number of other birds, but I always wanted a Macaw, and now finally I am at a stage that I can take care of one.

Now for the reason you are here. Oh one little note, yes I know the cage is small, its what he came with, and will be replaced very shortly.

Pirate on the ride home

Pirate with his new toy

Pirate was not given much fruit, in fact he was given cookies and the last owners gave me a package of them before I left. I liked them, Pirate will just have to remember the taste from memory.

Well remember that new toy, well by mid early afternoon Sunday it was at this stage.

And by evening, that toy and the one outside is cage are mostly gone. I had already planed to make him toys but I didn't know I was going to have to open up a sweatshop just to keep up.

After the first weekend, Pirate is off of his cookie diet and onto Pellets, has found he likes all kinds of fruits not so much veggies (will work on that). And, much to the disappointment of my Quaker, he learned that in a screaming match he wins.

The one thing I really was not expected was how much he tongues me. Most of our contact is him using his tongue to probe my fingers.

So I know I need to work on bite training but I am unsure what steps I need to take and how best to start. Seems most of the advice is on baby parrots, and well he is not that, so any help will be very helpful.

I have been going through a lot of the links that birdman has shared. Very interesting reading, some of it I knew, but lots of new stuff as well.
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Hi there, and welcome to the forums! :)

You have a great flock there, and many congrats on your newest addition, "Pirate". Great looking Shamrock! :D
Handsome guy :)
Shamrock is a real beauty!

We'd like to see photos of Pan and Hermes if you'd care to share!
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Many fruits are good for parrots, in smaller amounts, because some fruits, such as grapes, raspberries and blueberries, have more sugar in them than others, but I'd never, ever give my exotic bird cookies. Cookies, imo, are among the worst foods to give a bird, unless they're special birdie cookies.
Beautiful Mac! Shamrocks are my favorite, but I'm probably a little biased.. Lol definitely needs a bigger cage. Toys should be fairly easy to manufacture. If you don't want to dye them, then it goes SUPER fast! Glad to hear she is off the cookies and in a wonderful home. Can't wait to hear more about your flock! [emoji2]

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