New little hawkhead parrot


New member
Jul 24, 2012
Blue Front Amazon, Mopar
Hawkhead Parrot, Maverick
Decided to start my own thread, instead of hijacking "uncle joe"'s Macaw thread more. LOL!

Recently picked up a baby hawkhead parrot. I fell in love with this species a few months ago when I picked up one in sad shape off craigslist. Unfortunately, he was very sick and ended up passing away. :( Although I only had him around for less than two weeks, (most of which was spent at the vet's...) he really was amazing.

So I found a young one! This little guy arrived last Thursday. So far it's been good! He is settling in, likes to be cuddled under your chin, and destroy everything he can get his little beak on. He is very nippy, so I am working with him on that, as he has bitten me pretty good a few times. lol! Typical hawkhead behavior, from what I've read and been told! Just got to keep standing my ground and be firm, but loving with him.

I noticed that he was sneezing quite a bit upon his arrival, so I took him to the vet today. He does have a slight sinus infection, so was put on antibiotics to help him knock it out. Vet said that it's not uncommon for birds in a transitional period to pick up something due to stress. So she's not too concerned. His blood work and fecal tests all came back normal. So I can now breathe a little easier. (Since I do have another parrot in the house! My beloved Mopar!)

The two birds are hilarious, as they are so different. Mopar is much more laid back, and is perfectly content hanging out on his cage all day, as long as he has his favorite hanging toys and bells. The hawkhead, on the other hand, wants to be EVERYWHERE. He is non-stop. Today is the quietest I've seen him, and that's probably because of the vet trip. LOL!

I've been going back and forth on names. I believe I am content with "Maverick." We came upon that name jokingly the other day talking about "Top Gun." For some reason, it seems to fit him. The name means "rebel", someone with an independent personality, against the norm. Not to mention the name of the fighter pilot from that movie! So it just seems to describe his little guy pretty well.

Other ones I kelp going back to were Dakota, Sparky, Spike, Nova, Phoenix, and Loki.

That's the gist of it! Attached are a few photos of the little guy!

Yay Mary Beth!!! What a complete cutie! :D Worth the wait huh?! I'm sure he'll be all good again with the antibiotics. I have no doubt you can handle a Hawkie since you have a BFA experience ;)

Maverick sounds like a perfect name. I really like it. Goes with the "M" theme.
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Yay Mary Beth!!! What a complete cutie! :D Worth the wait huh?! I'm sure he'll be all good again with the antibiotics. I have no doubt you can handle a Hawkie since you have a BFA experience ;)

Maverick sounds like a perfect name. I really like it. Goes with the "M" theme.


Yes, it really was! He's a riot! The littlest things scare him - like a soda can. The soda can got the full crest treatment. lol!

I am also being hopeful that the antibiotics knock out whatever is ailing him. Since everything else came back good, I'm pretty sure it'll work out!

LOL... yeah, BFA's are the only large parrot experience I've ever had. Some people would think I like to punish myself. ;) Nah, I really love amazons and couldn't imagine life without one! :green:

I guess Maverick, it is! :)
That is so amazing! He is beautiful! Congrats :D but I'm so sorry about the first one! :(
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Thanks, everyone! :)

Yeah, I feel I aged 10 years during that two weeks with Kimi, (the first hawkhead). It's a long, drawn out story... that is still not 100% complete. I ended up switching vets over it, too. :/

Let's just say, I learned A TON about ABV and PDD. And how much we still do not know about it.

Also learned to try to stay positive, and be grateful for everyday that you have with your feathered babies!
I had never heard of a hawkhead parrot. He is adorable! Are those all pinfeathers on his head, or is that his coloring?
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That's actually his coloring! They have very interesting plumage.
Here's a link to some really nice photos of an adult one:
Hawk-headed Parrot |
Maverick is a beautiful name! You also helped me find a great name for my next parrot (if I ever get one). TOP GUN ! :)
He seems very alert with a hint of mischief in his eyes. I too think Maverick is a great name for him. :)
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Oh, he is mischievous alright! Haha!

And I def. will try! So far he has only had it up when trying to attack the soda can and when he gets his scritches. :)
Perfect name! Careful now. Not only will he rule the roost, he'll rule your heart. Congratulations! He's a striking fella!
Aww...he's beautiful. I've never seen one! Glad he found you:D...sorry about your last one:(

Maverick is an awesome name too!
What a little sweetheart! I am so excited to see a baby HH, and I can imagine what Darwin looked like when she was a baby so many years ago:)
The name Maverick is an awesome name for him, and seems so fitting. I am so thrilled to be able to watch him grow with you!
Sweet baby ,congrats !! My Hawkhead raises her crown when shes scared or fighting her toys . So sorry about your other guy . I just lost my Macaw and its so hard doing everything you can trying to save them :(.
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It's so hard loosing a bird that you were fighting so hard for. Sorry to hear about your macaw, pinkbirdy! :(. So stinking tough to get trough. So many questions and what ifs. I wish you the best!!

I did get displacement bit today. Oops! Apparently maverick wasn't too fond of the whiffle ball. Once it was out of sight, he was fine.

You are all not joking when you say they are very aware and wary of their enviornment!
He's gorgeous! I love the names Maverick and Dakota.
He's gorgeous! I love hawk heads (well the way they look, haven't ever met one;)).

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