
New member
Sep 5, 2012
Tess - 2 Year Old Congo African Grey!
Charlie - 1 Year Old Indian Ringneck!
Hey all,
I posted a couple of days ago asking for what bird I can put with my 1 year old Grey.
So today my dad has bought me a Turqouise Ringneck, we're unsure on the sex at the moment but Charlie (it's the only Unisex name I could think of) is apparently 6 months old, give or take a couple of weeks. My dad got it from a Breeder that had nothing but Ringnecks, however, the guy apparently had no idea when he was asked the best way to Tame it and get it to trust us, Tess is in the living room and Charlie is in the Kitchen for 6 weeks being Quarantined so I was going to try and build some form of trust while they're separated, but my dad has informed me that it wasn't hand reared, so here I am, scratching my head, with no idea how I'm suppost to do it, any help would be more than appreciated.:confused::confused::confused:

Oh and is it normal for Charlie not to be eating or drinking? I know it's their first day here so it'll be stressed and I'm probably worrying about nothing but I really can't help it.
Hi it takes about a day to start eating again in new surrounds, charlie still needs to adapt especially since he/she was an aviary bird its a big change. Start by just walking past the cage and talking to it, giving treats through the bars. As soon as its comfy with that, you can move on to trying to get them take it from your hand, it takes a long time to earn the trust of an IRN.
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Charlie has starting eating abit now, only the fresh fruit ad veg we put in though and s/he'll only do it when no-one is in the room, i've managed to sneak in see though. S/he seems to be settling in the cage more, jumping around, playing on the swing and with the bell. Charlie is squaking a lot now and Tess is mimicking that noise already so it sounds like they're talking to eachother, it's really cute. I just really want him/her to calm down when we go near the cage because they're still flapping about when we do, am I best sitting next to the cage for a few minutes every couple of hours so s/he knows I don't want to harm them?
Yes just put a chair or something near the cage, and chat to Charlie, or even just stay close and read a book, snowy also only ate once we left the room. Try some peanutbutter on the perch as a treat, snowy doesn't wait for me to leave now when she sees it, its too exciting to leave! Chat softly, no sudden moves, and a lot of patience. Once he or she is calm with you around the cage, put your hand inside for a few minutes a few times a day, don't attempt to pick her up, hold hand still and try to avoid eye contact. Soon charlie will realise you're not harming her when your hands in the cage. From there on out you can try the same thing with a treat in the hand. Takes lots of time to earn their trust, hope I helped

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