New IRN... settling in


New member
Apr 25, 2013
IRN blue
So, we only picked him up last night.

12 mths old and although he was used to being out his cage, hasn't been for three weeks. He did start chirping last night, and has subsequently taken to attacking one of his toys. eek.

A bit worried. What can we do if anything to help him settle...

The bird's attitude is most likely because he's in a new home that he is not familiar with and people that it does not for the toy attack, it's probably upset with all the changes and frustrated that his out of cage freedom has been curtailed.

Be patient, he probably will not become friendly for a couple of weeks at least, but if you just talk with it, offering treats & favorite foods through the cage bars, you should be able to win him over.....
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Thanks, we were really unsure but we want him to have the best home and not be upset. Going to see how he is over the next week. Especially in getting the rest of the cage cleaned etc. Treats it is.... :)
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I think he's tired now. He's got his head tucked into his wings (like something out the exorsist) he preens now and then but seems more interested in sleeping lol. Bless him.

He does make some funny noises and chirps... The feathers coming out, little white ones... is this also normal. Should I expect them all the time?
Little white feathers are normal.
I'm not sure about molting times for an IRN, but typically birds molt in the spring and/or fall.
Molting is when they lose their feathers and grow new ones. The little white ones are the start of it. They will also lose little white ones throughout the year, but in spring or fall they lose more as well as their coloured feathers.
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Thanks Sandy, all new to this. Every little piece of behaviour I'm wondering if that is what they naturally do. :) He's very inquisitive though, which is amazing. I knew they were intelligent but it's still shocked me.
They are very intelligent and inquisitive. I am not up to speed on IRN's behaviours but parrots in general are compared to 2-4 year olds.
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