new insecure member


New member
Jun 24, 2013
Fayetteville, NC
Pacific Parrotlet (blue male)
Sun Conure (taking home today)
Quaker (still being handfed)
Many years ago I married a man with two birds (an Amazon parrot and a cockatiel), we adopted a cockatiel from a friend moving and before we knew it we had eggs and chick's galore. Then later he got a baby Blue & Gold, that had to be syringe feed. I kinda despised the position I was put in marrying a soldier that was hardly around, and didn't care much for being forced in that position. I do love animals and they were not neglected or abused in any way, and was able to show them love and affection.

Now-a-days, all that is past us and I find I really want a bird as a pet/companion to keep me and Tinkerbell (my maltese) company at home. My husband and I have been married 21 yrs now and he is obviously elated, but he is overseas and I feel insecure about doing a good job. I want my new bird to feel like my dog, like my best friend. I'm planning to get a Pacific parrotlet, which should hatch any day. I have been told that parrotlets and quakers are great as a first pet. I have many weeks to plan his/her homecoming but I feel quite anxious. The breeder is local and will have me come in often to help with feeding and so I can bond with my new friend. I would appreciate any advice.
Hi and welcome to the group. I am pretty new here too..

I got a male eclectus 2 months ago (he is 4 months old now) and I have not regretted a moment of it. Since you are getting a baby (I am no expert but this worked for me) handle him as much as he can tolerate. My George rode home in the car in my arms (I had someone drive for me, so I could spend time with him) and for the first few days I gave him formula mixed with different mashed vedg one time a day so we had "our time" after 2 weeks he only got it every 3rd day now not at all. I made sure to talk to him constantly even if I was just sweeping the floor. Most people in my house thought I was nuts but here I am with a 4 month old talking eclectus parrot.. (super early) The breeder I got him from tells me all the time how amazing he is. Part of it is him and his make up but I believe part of it is I have handled him constantly. I also take him EVERYWHERE with me but that is another story.

My avian vet says that as long as they are loved and respected then they will return every ounce and then some. I have found this to be true, I force nothing and accept everything he is willing to give me while giving him as much as I have.

Enjoy your new baby and congrats please post pictures when you have them.

Welcome to the forum, and THANK YOU for your husband's service. :) I know it isn't easy being a military spouse, I held that position for 19 years before my husband retired from the Army.

You have found a GREAT forum. :) Please don't be shy to ask any questions, we're here to help to the best of our ability.

How exciting to be an expecting "parront". :D

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