New Indian Ringneck Parakeet


New member
Apr 22, 2013
Hi all, I'm new to this forum as my fiance and I just got a new 8 month old male Indian Ringneck Parakeet on Saturday. He was super sweet in his cage when we saw him so we had to get him. I've had a budgie in the past who was super gentle and trained so I thought I'd be ok with a bigger bird. His name is Remy.

Remy started to bite after he came home. He came home in a box, and when we let him out, he stepped up and was okay. Almost grateful we gently let him out onto my finger. I tried to spend a few minutes with him doing the ladder step up thing before putting him in his cage and he was fine but then got scared when I tried to put him down on the table and squealed at me a little and bit me to the point of a little blood. I flinched (I know i shouldnt have) and put him on a plant for a few minutes while we readied his cage, and when I asked him to step up he bit again. I eventually got him to step up after some effort and he was ok.. and we put him in the cage, sang him a little song and went to bed. That was day one.

The next day, yesterday, when we woke up he was eating well and also eating from my hand with my hand in his cage, through the bars, directly from my palm while in the cage, etc etc. But when I tried to get him to step up he started snapping and trying to bite me. I used a wooden perch to get him out, brought him to another neutral room and did the ladder thing again, every time he stepped up without biting, I'd praise him and give him a treat that he tasted but didnt eat. He was totally scared. We also let him out of the cage for a couple of hours and he was still biting, I had to handle him with a wooden perch. Later in the evening (maybe he was tired), I tried to put my hand in again to ask him to step up and his pupils started flashing and his beak was opening. I knew this sign to be him totally pissed off, so I backed off. After a while he ruffled his feathers, stuck a foot up and took a snooze.

Now on day three, its the first time we've left him alone all day long and I'm wondering what to do with his training when we get home. I want to take him out and get him used to training and being out in the evening.. but I dont want him to bite me. I'm thinking of using a wooden perch to get him out, then use leather utility gloves or oven mitts to handle him so when he bites I can just gently push back on his beak without him drawing blood. I want him to know biting doesnt work, but it hurts! I also think when he steps up, I should praise him and freeze... and then try again with my bare hand and then praise him and freeze, but if he bites, I dont know.

He's only 8 months, but I want to make sure he has learned before he gets any older. Help!
Three days is not any time for a bird to get used to you, let alone trust you, but just keep up with what you have been doing.....that's pretty much the way I handle new, nippy birds.....I just keep up with their learning.....

Welcome to the forum & congrats on your new feathered friend.....
From what I've heard, IRN's tend to be nippy when they are young.:green2:
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Three days is not any time for a bird to get used to you, let alone trust you, but just keep up with what you have been doing.....that's pretty much the way I handle new, nippy birds.....I just keep up with their learning.....

Welcome to the forum & congrats on your new feathered friend.....

Thanks, yes I know he doesn't trust me yet after three days, I was just wondering if I'm doing the training right from the get go. We got home and immediately greeted him happily and he actually seemed happy to see us! I opened the cage door and stuck my finger in the doorway and asked him to step up. Nothing.. Then I had him taste a teeny bit of apple for the first time and wow, that was definitely his fave! So I used that as a treat. He actually eventually manuevered thru the cage and stepped onto my finger so I rewarded him with apple. He loooooved this. So we sat down with him on the couch with him perched on my finger eating his apple, then when I asked him to step up with the other hand, if he bit hard I would push back on his beak and he would stop, then step up properly. We cheered and gave him apple, alternated between me and my fiancé for about 20 mins and then let him play on top of his cage like he's doing now. Does this sound good so far? Or too much too soon?
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Another thing for the experts - we now have to unexpectedly go away this weekend and will be gone from Friday night to Sunday evening. Will our IRN be okay alone in his cage this whole time? We are going to buy him a couple new toys, but what can we expect when we get back on Sunday? Will he hate us? :(
Since you will only be away for about two days, Remy should be OK, just make sure he has fresh water and enough food.....
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Since you will only be away for about two days, Remy should be OK, just make sure he has fresh water and enough food.....

thank you! I am so sad to be leaving him all alone. Friday night should be ok since its like we are sleeping, but all day on saturday and almost all day sunday knowing he will be all alone makes me sad :(

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