New here! Couple questions and my story.


New member
Dec 13, 2012
Hi guys! I have had the pleasure of growing up with a blue front since I was 5 years old. That was 24 years ago and he passed about a week ago. My 6 year old was very fond of him and was crushed so for Christmas (2 days ago) I rescued a YC mini macaw from a bad situation. Now I have fostered a couple of birds and had a umbrella for a few years that I have to get rid of when my son was born but have never seen some of the behaviors that my new little baby shows. 1. everytime anyone puts her on her cage after holding or playing she will face you and put her head down to the bars on the cage and flutter her wings. This will go on for up to a minute. 2. If she is on my shoulder and i touch her with my head she will slap my head very fast with her beak in almost a vibrating motion. She will also do this when you touch anywhere around the head but will never bite. Those are my main question but is there a parrot behavior website that explains head bobbing, head from side to side, trying to get taller, etc.? Or do all these vary in meaning from bird to bird? Thanks guys!
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Forgot to mention how sweet my new baby is. Has met about 7 ppl in 2 days and has only taken a bite out of one. Will let anyone give her a scratch and even lay her on her back. :)
Welcome to the forum. I don,t have any answers but hopefully someone will .:)
Hello there! i am new also and from what it sounds like especially withgood behavior and all, that that could be normal. I have a green cheecked conure that i got about 2 months ago and Zuchini does this head bobbing thing that i was concerned about. Two different types, one when she is on her cage and wants to come to you, i read somewhere that all this means is that they want to be with sure over time this will lessen.

Also when i scratch her head and face she does this wierd siezure like head bobbing when my finger gets near the side of her beak. i was worried and was not sure what it was but she seeems healthy. In fact if anyone knows what that means please inform me!!:green2:
Those are typical macaw behavior!!!!

First one, it can mean different stuff, can be trying to trick you in or a greeting behavior. My does it to be tricky....

Second, he's bonding with you as that is a feeding behavior. Wait until he regurgitated...lo l

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