New guy here.


New member
Oct 15, 2015
Hawley PA
Tequila Sunrise (Sun Conure)
Just thought I would say hi. Name is Mike.

We live in NorthEast Pennsylvania. I just recently purchased my Sun Conure. This is my first bird of this caliber. So I am learning as much as I can. His/Her name is: Tequila Sunrise, or just Tequila for short.

I kept her at the pet store for the first month before I brought her home, coming in every 2-3 days so she would get used to us a little before abruptly bringing her home. She has been with us for a week and is settling in really well. I have 6 kids so she gets her share of attention at the cage. when she is out we do not let the kids handle her, but we will allow them to give her "snack snacks". We are trying to slowly acclimate her to lots of people being around. Yet at the same time manage the children to limit them selves around her to just one - two so tequila does not get overwhelmed.

I don't have any real questions yet, but I am sure they will come in time. We bought her from a very good pet store owner so he is my go-to guy, but that does not stop me from doing my own research.

We plan on getting a DNA test done the next time that we go in to have her feathers clipped.

So I hope to learn a lot here in this forum and maybe contribute what I can.


Tequila by Michael Corsiglia, on Flickr
Welcome to the forums, Mike! So glad you joined us! Congratulations, little Tequila is just darling! Very sweet intro and photo!
Welcome! Tequila is darling! Looks like she's having a blast surfing the net. ;)
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Thank you guys for the warm welcome! Tequila loves the perch I made her and will hang out all day if I let her. We turn on some music and jam out. Gonna make a couple more perches for different parts of the house, but I am going to wait until I move next week (Finally buying a house). Tequila will be getting a custom cage built then as well once we get settled it.

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