
New member
Jul 4, 2012
Ziva - Pineapple Green Cheek Conure
I got my pineapple green cheek conure today from Echo. She took a plane ride and when I peeked in on her she was munching away on a piece of apple, she looked completely unfazed by the whole trip. When I got her home she was calm and stepped right up onto my finger with no problems. She has nibbled my fingers a little, but hasn't bitten me. She has been pretty quiet, just 'talking to herself' some. I am letting her settle in, but she seems to be taking everything in stride. We have named her Ziva, and she is such a beautiful girl. I will get some photos soon, I just don't want to scare her with the camera today.

Here is one photo I was able to get, she is a little spooked by the camera still.

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That beak action you described is called "beaking" and it's like a cat sniffing your hand, to get to know you.

Beaking or Beak Exploration

Can't wait to see pics, but - yeah - they do get skittish around new items, so your waiting is definitely the best thing to do. I kept my camera visible but at a distance and when my parrots acclimated and decided it was OK, then I took pics...

Ziva is a cool name as well!
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That beak action you described is called "beaking" and it's like a cat sniffing your hand, to get to know you.

Oh, I know. It has been a while since I have had any birds, but I use to have quite a few. But thank you for the link anyway. I know a lot of new info has been found out since I had birds. And I am always looking to learn.
I got my pineapple green cheek conure today from Echo.

YAY! My baby is with her new flock now and I hope she brings many years of happiness!!!
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She is settling in a lot faster then I thought she would. She is chirping and making a lot of 'happy sounds', nothing too loud yet. She is already coming to me on her own, she is just a great little bird, Echo did a great job raising her!!
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I added a photo to the first post. She is doing very good. She is very sweet and gentle. I couldn't be happier, I am so glad that I got her.
Congratulations! She is a beautiful little bird!

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