New GCC Owner


New member
Dec 3, 2010
Raleigh, NC
yellow-sided Green Cheek Conure, Jonah.
Hey all,

My name is Michael and I just brought home a yellow-sided Green Cheek named Jonah! Right now he is munching on a grape and listening to some music with me. I made the mistake of putting my hand into "his" territory and he got me pretty hard, but I understand that he is just nervous.

I was thinking that it would be best to just open up his cage and let him come out. I would appreciate any advice as to how long I should wait to do this.

Btw, he took the grape from my hand so I feel like that is a good sign.
Hi Michael and welcome to the forum. Are you experienced with birds?? Please let us know so we may help you. I do not want to give basic advice if yoou are familiar with birds. My bird is cage agressive so I put a perch on the inside of her cage door. When she wants out or I need to clean the cage I open the door and she will come out onto the perch. Conures are fun clown birds and can be on the nippy side. If you go to the technical forum you can read how to download photos here. I have learned that for the thin skinned fruits such as grapes it is best to give organic to the bird if you can find them.
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Sorry, I should have mentioned my bird experience. Jonah is my first bird. But, I did a lot of research beforehand and have patience. I'll put some pictures up asap.
Hi Micheal and Jonah, to our wonderful forum
Michael where did you get the bird from, and how old is he?
Giving us as much information as possible will assist us in helping you a great deal

I usually give this advise to new guardians
Top on your list, a visit to an avian vet is a must. Let the bird be checked over, peace of mind for a healthy bird.
Your Jonah must have time to settle down and adjust. Just imagine how many new things the bird has encountered. So many new faces and voices, it must be so scary.
To gain your trust could take days, weeks, months even years, no one can give you a time limit. Each and every bird is so different. He obviously feels a comfort zone is his cage.
Sit near the cage, talking and singing to Jonah. Let him become familiar with your voice. Leaving the cage door open, offer him treats through the bars at first. When he willingly accepts them, try placing a treat near the open door. Eventually he will starts taking the treats from the door, make no attempt to touch him. When he does come out, he will probably climb around on the cage. Let him explore in his own time. To get him back in, place a treat inside the cage, making sure it's visible.

Below is a link pertaining to yellow-sided green cheeks, you will definitely learn from it - The Green Cheek Conure

Any further question you need to ask, go ahead, members will be more than willing to assist.
Keep us updated with Jonah's progress

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