New GCC owner in Pa.


New member
Dec 25, 2019
Hello & Thanks for accepting us into your group. We've had the best cockatiel for 14 1/2 yrs when she passed away in my wife's arms. After losing her I said.. No more!! That lasted only 3 weeks until we got Kiki our GCC. Wow what a different character of bird!! Were still getting use to her Conure ways. A lil nippy but very active all the time. We got her in Nov at 8 weeks old, now it's end of Dec. That makes her lil over 4 months. She's very smart too. Lol. I'm hoping to get some free information & feedback from you guys here if I have any questions about her. Thanks. J

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Welcome to you both!

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Welcome aboard to you and Kiki. I see she has you wrapped around her little claw already :)
Another PA person! GCC was my second bird too after my cockatiels:)
Welcome to the forums! My deep condolences for the loss of your cockatiel. No doubt she provided the desire to adopt Kiki.
when she nip put her down, she will learn the time out method.... put her away from you a few feet and the nips should stop....look up time out method in the search gccs are suckers for it.
Welcome and merry Christmas/happy holidays etc!
Welcome! Gorgeous GCC! They are amazing! And they do use that beak to discipline us, be careful to never make her fearful of hands. Never use hands to block or shoo. GCC can become fearful if hands at the drop if the hat. But they are usually easy to bribe with safflower seeds.

I'm very sorry for your loss, they are like kids.
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I think she trusts us completely... She loves to play all the time till she's sooo tuckered out she crawls under my hand & takes a nap. She's a blast

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