New friend for my grey?


New member
Jun 5, 2014
I own a 2 year old Timneh who is having a plucking problem, most likely from not getting as much attention as he needs. I was considering getting another bird for socialization during the day when I am out of the house. However, I do not want to lose his companionship or have to care for another grey, so I was thinking about getting a green cheeked conure to join the flock. Would this be a good idea and would it give my timneh the socialization he needs?

Hi Dan!

Welcome to the forum!

What kind of things does your timneh (name?) have to keep him occupied during the day? Toys? Foraging toys? Tv or radio on? You could also consider a preening toy to distract him from plucking himself.

What kind of diet is he on? Plucking can sometimes be the result of their diet.

How much time are you away from home every day? How much out-of-cage time does he get daily?

IMHO I would advise against getting another bird as a companion for a current bird- if your timneh is bonded to you, you could lose that if he becomes bonded to the new bird. Also, if you plan on letting them hang out together you may want to consider a species of similar size -if he gets angry or lashes out a GCC wouldn't stand a chance against a timneh's beak [emoji51]
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Hi, Stevie has toys but he rarely shows interest in them for more than a minute. All he seems to want to do is just there watching me, even when he's out and free to explore or learn tricks I'm trying to teach him. He just tries to climb on me and then just preens himself. I am gone 7-8 hours a day but there is someone else there to keep him company(albeit she rarely takes him out to play).

His out of the cage time really varies depending on how much time I have. However, this summer should be good for him since I'll be home all day. Tv does tend to be left on during the day to keep him occupied.

Are you sure he wouldn't develop a kind of "friend" relationship with a conure? Like he plays with it but is still bonded to me?

Also, Stevie is 2 years old. Isn't it coming round to the time where he leaves mom(me) for someone else?
Also, I should probably mention that it might be more of a picking problem, he's not naked, but he is tailless and a little bit of his butt shows.

Have you gotten any bloodwork and tests on him to ensure the plucking isn't medical related?

He could quite possibly kill a conure, so no, a conure would not be a good idea as a "buddy", and there is no guarantee that getting your grey a friend will help with his plucking.

I do know someone who owns a hahns macaw, and the only thing to get him to stop plucking was getting another hahns. However, this owner was rather lucky it was such a simple fix! Generally speaking, more birds will not stop a bird from plucking! Sometimes, it could even make it worse!
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Yeah he has had bloodwork to make sure he isn't sick.

Whether it fixes the plucking or not, would having a conure in the house be a problem?
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Here is a picture of his bottom area:


  • Stevie bottom 6-5-14.jpg
    Stevie bottom 6-5-14.jpg
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Can't view the image from your Google account. Your mail is private to you.

Can you upload it to the forum instead or to an image hosting website such as Photobucket?

Having a conure may not be a problem as long as you can care for both just fine and they are kept separate.
Having a conure may not be a problem as long as you can care for both just fine and they are kept separate.

I agree with Monica-having a conure they may chat with each other during the day, or they could ignore each other. They'll have to be housed separately, but in the end adding a conure may not give Stevie the level of companionship and buddy entertainment you might be looking for [emoji17] ...or it could.
Yes, the file is view-able now.

Ok, next question... since it's in that general area.... how's his preening gland?
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Hmmm... I don't know what a preening gland is. Could you describe where and what it's like?

Also, could not bathing him enough be a cause? He hates getting baths but afterwards he's really happy.
It can look like a tumor or large pimple at the base of the tail (about where the wings cross on the lower back area). It should have something that looks like a white "wick" coming out of it. The question is is whether or not the gland is working correctly. If it's impacted or not functioning correctly, it can lead to over-preening and plucking in that general area.

The Grey Roost

The gland produces oil that they spread over their feathers. It helps them to absorb vitamin D and also helps to protect the feathers. Not all parrots have one, but most do.

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