New Conure


New member
Mar 11, 2014
Cuero, TX
Jenday Conure
Hi, I am the proud mother to Lucky, my Jenday Conure who I purchased from my local pet store at the age of 10 days old. Lucky is now 4 weeks old and the joy of our family. I am still hand feeding and need some advice on when to introduce pellets and millet spray to his diet. Any suggestions or advice is greatly appreciated.
Hello and welcome to the forum!
Someone with hand feeding experience will jump in to help you with that I'm sure, I just wanted to say how happy I am that you joined! I'd love to see pictures of Lucky:)
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Thank you and I welcome any and all advice. Reading some of the comments from others has already been helpful. I will hopefully post a pic of my 4 week old Jenday.

Most babies begin sampling adult food around 5 weeks and they're more likely to take food from the ground than a dish.
So it's legal to sell unweaned parrots in America? I find that very weird!

When you are beginning to introduce hard food, try to get a really good variety of fruits and vegetables in as well as pellets. The greater the variety of foods you introduce now, the less likely you'll have a picky parrot :)

As for weaning, I find it varies a lot from bird to bird. Some will happily try anything new and interesting, whereas others don't want anything but formula. The trick is to try to introduce it as many different ways as you can, until you find something that works for you and your bird.

Maybe you'll have to 'play' with the food, until your parrot becomes curious and picks it up, or maybe you'll have to chop it into tiny little pieces and mix it with some formula in a bowl.
So it's legal to sell unweaned parrots in America? I find that very weird!

I'm surprised the baby bird was from a pet store. IMHO I don't agree with that either.
I understand private breeders can sell whatever they want, but as far as the pet store goes, I don't know if it's 'legal' but of course some business owners will do things anyway, confident they won't get caught. :(
Congratulations on Lucky! Best wishes for everything to go smoothly as he grows and develops a bond with you :)
Welcome to our awesome forum
Lucky is sure lucky to have you as his guardian
Adding small amounts if different food in in bowl is a great idea
I understand private breeders can sell whatever they want, but as far as the pet store goes, I don't know if it's 'legal' but of course some business owners will do things anyway, confident they won't get caught. :(

In Victoria, even private breeders aren't allowed to sell unweaned birds. Of course, most people don't even know the law, let alone follow it :(

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