:) new conure, question, pics, update


Jul 3, 2012
I know I treat this forum like a blog but bare with me, I enjoy posting!

I'm picking up a new conure named Loki tomorrow.. soooo excited!

this is the basic set up.. simple and a just a starter.. I have my finch cage, my pineapple gcc Buttons cage where a ribbonwood play gym will go, a perch between cages, and Lokis cage.
I put a few toys in there, a sleep sack etc, and I replaced the higher up dowel rod with a rope..

Heres the bird I am 90% sure I am getting..

a few questions though..
1. will they become jealous if I switch their toys with each others cage?
2. will my unbanded conure be weird about Lokis band?
and 3. can I have Lokis band removed? realistically my birds will not be in a situation where they can escape and if they did, they would be dead fast.. I live in Alaska, land of the eagles, ravens and falcons.

Update on my pineapple gcc Button,
she has began perching on my hand, especially when shes on the ground and wants back on her cage. She is finally being GENTLE when perching on me! she has started talking, mostly in her sleep lol..
I have been bathing her every day and letting her dry in the sun, and slowly working on her beak (her qwik is really close to the edges) with a glass file.. it is finally looking like a real beak and not this narrow weird flat thing.. and she let me rub her belly on her back while in my palm!


Well I'm going to go make one more post then have a romantic dinner at the table with my parrot!
Red bell pepper slice with egg and seasonings in it... I even made her a miniature version.,.how cheesy of me right?


Thanks for reading. Cant wait for monday!! Hope everyone else is having such joy with their fids!
To answer your questions. You can switch toys, but why would you do that? Just have different toys for each bird and rotate them.

They wouldn't feel weird about the leg bands, BUT I've seen some birds go after them so it depends. And yes the leg bands can be removed by your vet. But in a lot of states, your birds are required to be banded. I'm NOT a fan of leg bands and been thinking about having them all removed for a very long time. It has to do with issues I had years ago and the leg band caused my bird to lose her foot. If your afraid of them escaping, keep their wings clipped at all times. And be sure to follow your own rules about not having the doors or windows open when the birds are out of their cages.
Not that I would get another bird, but I can think of two toys off the top of my head that are in Kiyomi's cage that she would be VERY upset if I took out or gave to another bird to play with.

Kiyomi does chew on her leg band, and her foot, and her claws and anything else she feels like chewing on. It doesn't seem to be detrimental so I don't really worry about it. If you notice that your bird is harming himself attempting to get the band off, then have it removed; otherwise I wouldn't worry about it.

The breeder where I got Kiyomi trained her and her siblings to be okay with being on their backs. She has no problem with me picking her up and putting her on her back and she will let me handle her beak and feet without biting or trying to get away. I am VERY thankful that my breeder did this because it makes handling her so much easier.

I don't know if this is a result of the back training, but Kiyomi does this thing that is really cute. She will climb onto my lap and roll over on her back and chew on her foot or a claw. Its much like a baby sucking its thumb. If I pick her up in my hand she will roll over in my hand and do this while making what we call her "happy baby" noise. I'll have to try to get a picture of her doing it.

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