New Conure Owner!


New member
Mar 30, 2014
Green Cheek Conure - Sunny
Hi, I am a first time bird owner. After searching for a few weeks I came across a small local pet store who had 10 Conure babies! She said that they had been hand fed - but they weren't really tame. I fell in love with this adorable little Green Cheek. He was very curious and came out of the cage but would shy away from my hands. I eventually ended up bringing him home and it's now been an official 24 hours since he's been here!

Finally, this morning he began eating and drinking - but he's still scared of my hands. I've tried to offer treats through the bars but he doesn't seem interested. However if I leave them on his perch he will take them. When I'm in the living room (about 6-8 feet away from his cage) he will bob his head an squawk. I've read that it's an attention getter. But whenever I go (slowly) up to his cage he sort of just freezes. Do you guys have any tips for helping him warm up to me. I'm trying to give him his own space for about a week - but I've read to sit by his cage and talk and such.
With the nervous new bird I like to sit next to the cage (lower than the bird) and read out loud. As I do so, I will play the peek-a-boo game with them as direct eye contact can intimidate the young bird.

Congratulations and good luck!
Hello and welcome! Sunny will settle in soon, everything is so new to him right now and i bet he's wondering where all the other birds went to that he was with:)
Just sitting by his cage and talking, reading or singing will help him to get used to you. And I also agree with TessieB about the direct eye contact.
So glad you joined us and I would love to see pictures after Sunny is feeling more comfortable!
Can you move his cage next to where you sit, or bring a chair next to his cage? Sit and watch TV or read / computer / whatever you normally do. If reading, read aloud so the bird hears your voice for a period of time. Keep offering treats and if he shys from your hand, just leave them on the perch or in his food bowl. It will be so quick for him to associate your hand with good things. When he does not seem as afraid of your hand, put your hand in the cage with the treat in your hand and just sit there like that, hopefully he will come over to take the treat. Just sit still if he starts eating it out of your hand without picking it up. Millet is a great treat to use for this introduction period. We don't feed millet very often, but its like candy for birds :) So great for enticing and bribing!

Just take things slowly, they are super sweet little birds, I am sure he will come around quickly. Think how worried you might be if a huge giant took you home :)

Good luck and keep posting!
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Thanks for the wonderful responses! I'm trying to spend lots of time with him. One of my friends recommended holding my palm out for a treat and talking gently. After about 20 minutes he came over and took it from my hand! He really seems to like dried bananas!
I was able to get a picture of him upside down yesterday! He's my little bat-bird :)
What a beautiful little fellow he is!
Sunny is beautiful!!

The first green cheek that came in our home, my daughter's, was the bird that converted me to be a bird lover. Her given name is Arianna, but we started calling her Monkeybird because of exactly what Sunny is doing in the picture! She would hang and climb around, when she came out on the playstand, she hangs upside down by one foot and picks up a treat with the other :) Monkey actually stuck as a name, we never use Arianna and its been years now!

Your guy is so pretty, look forward to seeing more silly photos of him!! And congrats on getting him to take a treat already. They are so curious! At this point, it works in your favor, just keep an eye on him down the road, you'll be surprised what birds consider interesting and go off to investigate!!

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