My family recently adopted a 3 year old m2. We have been doing tons of research on how to properly care for him to give home the best life possible. He's good with stepping up with me but wont do it with anyone else. We would like to know how much time per day is quality playtime with our feathered friend. Is him sitting on a perch with us talking to home enough? Don't get me wrong I pick him up 3-4 times a day but their are days that after only a few minutes of playtime that he will bite me and more recently it's been a hard bite. I know not to react but the last few bites have been extremely painful. The painful bite do not deter me from playing with him later on in the day. I'm just wondering if I am going about the playtime all wrong. At what point should I put him back in his cage to prevent the biting. I should add that as long as we are home that his cage is open. Please help me out by giving me any tips to curb this bad behavior