New bird owner


New member
Oct 19, 2017
Paco. A hybrid conure.
Iā€™m a long time bird admirer and after my cat passed last summer I finally got my first bird. I have adopted a green cheek conure named Paco and he is 5 years old. Paco is my only companion. Iā€™m a one on one type. After caring and loving my cat for 15 years I know the commitment and challenges an animal companion can bring into a house. Iā€™m currently looking for a vet. I just want a well check and as a first time owner I have some concerns about how long his nails are, how to cut them, the wack job his wings have been through and how he dips several times before eliminating. Is this natural or does it sound like a blockage? Iā€™ve changed his diet some. Iā€™m offering fresh fruits and veggies where he was only on a seed mix before and eating millet like a main course. Iā€™ve limited his millet to a small section a day. I am covering a lot here but my main concern is what should I be looking for in a vet? Iā€™m willing to travel a bit for scheduled appointments but if I have an emergency what would be my best case scenario ? Feel free to help with anything I mentioned. :red::57:
look for anyone who is a certified Avian Vet. Lots of exotic vets will take a look at a bird for the money but they don't know much

Where-abouts in the world are you? We're from all other so you never know some people here may know a specific vet to go visit

As for nails, try getting a concrete perch in the cage, that should keep them trim. For the poo I think it's just more getting comfy to poop, only really if you hear them straining that you should worry or if it's got little liquid, have a google for parrot poo, it's icky but poo is the greatest window into health

PS get some pictures of Paco up we love to see a new birdo ;)
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look for anyone who is a certified Avian Vet. Lots of exotic vets will take a look at a bird for the money but they don't know much

Where-abouts in the world are you? We're from all other so you never know some people here may know a specific vet to go visit

As for nails, try getting a concrete perch in the cage, that should keep them trim. For the poo I think it's just more getting comfy to poop, only really if you hear them straining that you should worry or if it's got little liquid, have a google for parrot poo, it's icky but poo is the greatest window into health

PS get some pictures of Paco up we love to see a new birdo ;)
How about this time?
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AND the pictures I uploaded are sideways? Lulz are in order for this
you're fine we are getting all your posts. LOL You need to get your conure onto pellets, they have the best mixture of nutrients.

Seeds are like potato chips, you can live on them but they aren't the healthiest. Millet is a good treat, esp for bonding because it takes a while to eat so he as to sit there as he eats it. Fruits and veggies always good. And with a conure...eventually everything you eat....he's gonna want, just be aware of that.


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