New bird mama


New member
Dec 12, 2012
Hey there! :D
In about two weeks, I'm going to be a bird mama! My baby-to-be is a yellow sided green cheek conure, who will be named Peeko. The breeder has sent me pictures, though I don't choose my baby until I go to pick it up, so I cant say exactly which one is Peeko. But here is the most recent photo that I've been sent of the clutch, at roughly 5 weeks old.

We've always had many, many pets in our household of all shapes and sizes. Peeko will be the first parrot to be wholly mine, though! My mom has had budgies, cockatiels, and fischer's lovebirds in the past. My sister (who doesn't live with us anymore) also has an african grey, as does my grandmother. I also have cousins who have cockatiels and a parrotlet, so I've had plenty of hands on experience with parrots in my lifetime :D Words cant describe how excited I am to finally bring my little Peeko home! I've had his cage set up and ready for about a month and a half in anxious anticipation, haha.

I hope to fit into this wonderful community of parrot owners. I'll be looking out for pictures and stories about other people's green cheeks as well! :D I'm sure these forums will be an invaluable resource once Peeko comes home.
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Welcome to the forum, they all look adorable. :)
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Thank you! I will admit, I like the looks of the baby on the bottom right, but personality/behavior will be the deciding factor. I'd rather have the bird choose me, honestly :)
Birds choosing you is a good way to go.

I'm looking at a B&G after the sex results came through (2F, 1M) someone had already specified they wanted a male so he is gone and one of the females is already gone to be hand raised by the new owner. (Experienced in hand rearing) so one little girl is left if I want her. No choice is a bit scary what if she hates me from the offset.. Lol.. But my Ecky was the only one left in his clutch too and that turned out good too.
I like the one in the top left. He's smiling at the camera. Lol
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I would be a bit apprehensive about having no choice as the end I'd probably visit to see how the bird was before deciding one way or another.

Haha, he is, isn't he?? They're all so cute! I cant wait to bring one home!
Hey peeko, welcome to the forum.
Welcome to the forum .Cute babies. The yellow sided gcc is my favorite too I love the colors. Good luck picking only one. HAHA:D:)
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Thanks guys! :D
I'll definitely post pictures when he comes home!

Aliray - Yellow sided is my favorite too, but Pineapple is a close second! I know, right? I really hope one chooses me so I don't have such a hard decision!
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The breeder has sent me another picture! :D
I've noticed that if you look closely, two of the babies have reddish/pinkish marks on their feet/legs. The two on the ends. Is that something to be worried about? Should I avoid choosing either of those two if the marks are still there next week?
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I do not see any red marks but I like the top right because he has more red in his or her belly. How much they have changed ina couple of weeks .They all look good and healthy in the picture:)

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