New Amazon - what do i need to know


New member
Apr 22, 2013
My name is Amanda and i have just purchased a 6 month old Amazon. I'm unsure of the sex but he/she will be a pet and not used for breeding. I've owned other parrots before but never an Amazon.

I have diet under control but in regards to training have you got any tips.

He/She (Whom i'm yet to name) is already saying hello, i love you etc but i've only had the bird a few hours and i have put him/her into the cage so they can settle in. I have been giving treats to show her (i think its a girl) that i'm safe and my hands are kind and i'm comfortable with her on my shoulder but what do i do if she nips me? What is the best way to discourage the behaviour. Do i ignore it and put her back in her cage and a few mins start over?

How do i know how far to push her? As in when she doesn't want to be touched she kind of grunts at me but eventually she needs to know its ok and i'm hoping she lets me handle her a lot?

Any tips would be greatly appreciated as i know they are super smart and will remember everything i do to her so want to ensure it's the best approach.


I will try and attach a photo if i can work out how to do that :)


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    Amazon 22 April 2013.jpg
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Hello Amanda, welcome to the forum & congrats on your new feathered friend.....

Let's address your questions & concerns one by one:

My name is Amanda and i have just purchased a 6 month old Amazon.
OK, got that established & acknowledged.....

I'm unsure of the sex but he/she will be a pet and not used for breeding.
I've learned that one of the best indicators is that if it lays an egg, you can be
pretty sure it's of the female sex.....

In regards to training have you got any tips?
Yes, it's always best to let your feathered friend have its way, to preclude temper
tantrums, screaming & biting episodes.....

He/She (Whom i'm yet to name) is already saying hello, i love you etc...
This is normal for many birds, they often do this so that you will turn on the telly so
they can develop a more extensive repertoire, mainly the soaps for colored

I have been giving treats...
Excellent idea, staying ahead of letting the bird start demanding the treats.....

...but what do i do if she nips me?
Either tell her NO or nip her back.....

What is the best way to discourage the behaviour?
Ignore it & hope it will stop...tell the bird NO BITE sternly or get the broom out &
tell the bird you're getting ready to make a big sweep.....

Do i ignore it and put her back in her cage and a few mins start over?
You can do that & hope it works, but if you are a praying person, you might try
that too.....

How do i know how far to push her?
All depends on how much energy you have at that point in time.....

As in when she doesn't want to be touched she kind of grunts at me.....
That usually indicates she doesn't have the time to carry on a legitimate
conversation with you at the moment.....

You do want to be careful though about body petting/stroking & under the wing
petting as these are usually reserved as terms of endearment and normally offered
by a bird's mate.....

Any tips would be greatly appreciated.....
Good, I enjoyed offering them.....

I know they are super smart and will remember everything i do to her.....
Yep, and maybe some that you don't do... want to ensure it's the best approach.
You'll find that the best approach is always head-on...a frontal approach.....

I'm glad that I was able to answer all your questions and provide such tip as I could. We're always here...the forum membership, that is, so stop 'round anytime you want to chat or need further enlightenment, somebody around here will probably give you some.....
Just curious, what are you feeding him? Since he's young the breeder probably weaned him on a healthy diet :)

I don't have a amazon, but you've gotten some good advice so far and more is bound to come.
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Thanks everyone. I'm feeding sprouts, vetafarm pellets, some nuts, occassional sun flower & fresh fruit and veg. Any other advice i'm open to hearing?
Welcome to the forum, welcome to world with a amazon. Loads of good info in this section, check out some of the older post.The more insight you have into them, the better relationship you can have. At this age he's looking for a flock ( place to belong) and his place in it. Be a leader , be confident and he'll happy with you setting boundaries. Socialize,socialize,socialize, do all you can and take them to meet new people,situations,etc.

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