New Amazon at the pet store


Supporting Member
Parrot of the Month 🏆
Oct 23, 2015
Reaction score
1 YNA (Bingo)
1 OWA (Plumas R.I.P.)
1 RLA (Pacho R.I.P.)
2 GCA(Luna,Merlin) The Twins
1 Congo AG (Bella)
5 Cockatiels
I stopped by my neighborhood pet shop today and found they have a new resident.
I got to hold him for a bit.
Name Rocky.
Double Yellow head.
8-12 years old and from “another pet shop”
the price tags makes me less than seriously interested.
$3,500.00 US.
I stopped by my neighborhood pet shop today and found they have a new resident.
View attachment 46739I got to hold him for a bit.
Name Rocky.
Double Yellow head.
8-12 years old and from “another pet shop”
the price tags makes me less than seriously interested.
$3,500.00 US.
Beautiful bird, Wes! Now if only you could find $3500 down the back of your couch ;)
What a beautiful little guy! That price though, wow. There are only a couple of pet shops here that sell large birds, and I've seen baby DYHs going for $2000-$2500 each Canadian.
I agree with Mart, check your couch:)
One of the YT channels I follow called “parrot bliss”
recently bought a Golden Conure (queen of Bavaria) and it cost her $5,000. She lives in Florida.
Wait until we begin seeing the 2023 pricing!! Word is between 18 and 25% increase in base costs!!

I have stopped visiting Pet Stores and Rescues as they tend to naturally gravitate in my direction. I think my Amazon is more advanced then I believed. Any way, leaving without one is too difficult, so I stay clear!!

FYI: I would place the age of that DYHA nearer to 8 year than 12 as the amount of yellow at the nape should be a bit more dominate at 12 years. But they are at least playing on the honest side, as I have seen shops stating that like feathered DYHA to be younger. Saw one stating their's was only 4 years.

When I am asked to review an Amazon that they have received, I ask if they have paperwork first and whether it is complete. Far too many without paperwork and with the price increase, I hope that buyer's are asking for that documentation.
This shop truly cares.
They do the best they can at placing parrots in proper homes.
There prices are kinda outrageous but they have to make a living too. Getting the bird from another store means they are already dealing with a markup from the start.

Not really that familiar with the double yellow markings but I did think the yellow was nat as advanced as some I have seen.

Rocky isn’t a big temptation for me. With 3 Amazons already….. I just hope they find a good home soon.
I feel bad for any bird forced to live in a pet store for long periods of time.

My temptation is and remains Mr. Bird the African Grey.
I would very much like to rescue him from his living conditions. And IF he was to make friends with Bella it would be perfect.
Price and my current….medical bills make it impossible.

BTW. am taking Bingo into the Avian vet tomorrow
maybe an x-ray and blood test instead of the usual swab in the crop (for respiratory issues) I mean Grrrr.

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