Can someone point me in the right direction for proper budgie nesting material? I was going to get coconut husk but read that small birds get tangled in it. Is this true. I'll shred paper if that works.
Just use paper towels or good old-fashioned newspaper. Birds can ingest bedding/shavings and become very sick, and it's much harder to clean and see the poop.
Do you mean nesting material for a nesting box? Are you intending to breed? If so, I would advise against it, so many things can go wrong that it isn't something someone should take on as a casual hobby. If you insist on breeding then you should direct questions like this one to a certified avian vet, and make sure you have one readily available for anything that may go wrong. But there are breeders on this forum so if they have suggestions I'm sure they'll share.
If you're just trying to provide nesting material for enrichment, again, I would advise against that, it can cause hormonal behaviors if they actually do build a nest.