Nesting, cold or bored?


Well-known member
May 8, 2017
Green cheek conure - Sydney (Syd) Hatched 2/2017
Over the last couple of weeks Syd has started tearing up his paper flooring but only in his sleep cage. He seems to do it early in the morning but it's interesting because he seems to be piling it up generally in the same corner.

I call him 'he' but he hasn't been sexed and is only 10 months old so I wondered if this is a sign of anything or just play. It is generally about 68/70 degrees F in his sleep cage, he is covered and 'sleeps' for about 12 hours. He has just one toy overnight and food and water with a fleece drape that he can snuggle with.

Any thoughts?
My GCC does the same thing early in the morning while he is screaming like as if he is being tortured (it is his way of making me run to the cage to check on him :)) ). I never thought it was a problem. I think he just likes to chew stuff and make small pieces out of it:) :rainbow1:

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