Neophema Parrots Suitability


New member
Sep 21, 2021
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Hi Guys,

I haven't had birds in many years, since I was a young kid with budgies in my backyard aviary!

I’m really keen to get back into having birds and wanted to know the suitability of the potential set up I have here.
I have a small airwell courtyard measuring 2m x 1m and 5m high. I am planning on adding perches, gyms and live plants/trees in pots.

Based on that sizing, could I have either Scarlet chested parrots
(Neophema Splen) or turquoise Parrots (neophema pul)? Any recommendations about what would be suitable if not?

Thanks guys!

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No direct experience with any of the grass parakeets, but everything I read says they do best with an out door aviary or a large spacious indoor cage. 1m x 2m x 5m does not sound spacious to me, especially with species that is noted for their flying characteristics ( varied and darting - more like bats then birds).
No direct experience with any of the grass parakeets, but everything I read says they do best with an out door aviary or a large spacious indoor cage. 1m x 2m x 5m does not sound spacious to me, especially with species that is noted for their flying characteristics ( varied and darting - more like bats then birds).
Thanks wrench. I appreciate it. Glad I asked as I genuinely thought that size was more than sufficient for a pair of neophema so looks like I may need to reasses!!!

if 1m x 2m x 5m (or 3’3 feet x 6’5 feet x 9’10 feet for you non metric folk) is not the right size - what bird(s) would you recommend?
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What is the proposed bar spacing? THat will also dictate the type and size of the parrot(s). Big spacing vs small parrots means they could get their heads stuck between the bars. Also where are you located? If we recommend parrots that are not available in your area, it doesn't help you much.
The walls that have bird wire have a spacing of 12mm (1.2 cm).

I’m located in australia and do prefer native birds (but not essential). Could always go a pair of coloured finches I guess.

Most online resources say 3 foot by 4 foot long and 3 or 4 foot high is appropriate for most neophema - so I really appreciate any info to the contrary you guys can share as obviously online care info is left wanting :)

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