NEED URGENT HELP - Stunted IRN baby not standing up


New member
Aug 11, 2022
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3 Indian Ringnecks
So Iā€™ve been looking after my IRNā€™s baby since hatch as she rejected the baby and it is quite stunted, the baby is 50 days old but looks around 13-14 days and only just started getting feathers now.

This morning baby was absolutely fine, chirping standing up, walking very energetic, the feed time at the moment is every 5 hours so I fed before work this morning and my partner fed for the next feed and when I got home I noticed baby was laid completely down on the belly with the legs stretched behind, with head down and not making any noise. I figured baby was just sleepy so I tried to pick it up and see if he chirped up a bit but it is not able to stand/carry its own weight and when I let go it tips over and looks like is completely unable to use its legs and feet are curled inwards. I had made the huge mistake of accidentally leaving the heat on in the room when i left for work this morning and temperate was extremely high (my partner noticed and turned off) and Iā€™m scared the baby is overheated or something like this. Itā€™s had a good few hours to cool and has been at a steady temperature of around 31Ā°C for 7 hours but doesnā€™t seem to be improving very much . baby is normally chirping at every moment possible but now is not making a single sound, looks like low energy? closing eyes and sleeping

The crop was still half full by the time it was feed time so I left it a bit long and it went down a little bit, I decided to feed a watery solution and baby was eating normally just with lower energy than usual.

Iā€™m really really afraid right now, I called a vet immediately but in my area exotic vets are almost non-existent and the exotic vet in my particular area is only available until thursday and i am beyond freaking out, I canā€™t stop crying Iā€™m so scared does anyone have maybe an idea of whatā€™s wrong? I have put baby back in brooder and using wood shavings in a way to support underneath so itā€™s not tipping over or legs are stretched out and baby is able to lift head a bit more but still not looking good and head isnā€™t even bobbing either

if someone can please help me i would appreciate it so much because im so so scared
I do sympathy for the distressing situation of the IRN baby, the baby may be experiencing health issues due to stunted growth and developmental challenges. It is suggested to monitor vital signs, providing supportive care, minimizing stress, seeking additional help from avian rescue organizations, and staying calm and hopeful. Sending positive thoughts and hope for a positive outcome.
I do sympathy for the distressing situation of the IRN baby, the baby may be experiencing health issues due to stunted growth and developmental challenges. It is suggested to monitor vital signs, providing supportive care, minimizing stress, seeking additional help from avian rescue organizations, and staying calm and hopeful. Sending positive thoughts and hope for a positive outcome.
thanks for your reply, i managed to get him to a vet yesterday who said he has an infection related to sour crop. he is staying with the vet whilst they try to get him better , heā€™s making slow progress but itā€™s too early to tell the outcome. i hope he gets better

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