Need some input


New member
Feb 24, 2008
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Hi everyone,
I have an Amazon his name is Max. I got him as a rescue serveral years ago well he has come a loooong way since those early days and I still have all my fingers.
My question is, now he is spoiled rotten. He gets out of his cage about 9:30 heads to the bathroom to doing his moring buiness and he is off for is day. His nite time cage is huge but is only in it if I am going out or have company( he thinks everyone is an intruder) or I just need some peace and quiet.

My question is, just how much time should he be out of his cage for play? He has toys he plays with but I can't go anywhere he doesn't follow.
When he as found he was in a closet in the dark, didn't now what a shower was, his wing was broken and suffering from malnutrition and I have over compensated to make up for all the abuse he suffered but I need some time out from him, he is like velcro or this growth I have that travels around my body.
How much time does he need out to be healthy happy bird? Should I move his big cage to the living room and use the smaller one for sleep... ?
One pooped Mum and one very happy Amazon,
I make jewelry, try that with a parrot HA! I am also a part time parrot juggler.
Appreciate any and all suggestions.
Kit :51:
Parrot juggler eh ... I want to see you with 3 Hys ... juggle those ... :18:

Wow, what a situation that you have on your hands, to take a rescue in from those types of conditions, you should be congratulated! It is an awesome thing you have done.

How much time does he need to be out, well, that's going to depend on the bird. But the key here is that if you want to decrease the amount of time, you must do so gradually ... don't go from like 6 hours a day with mum to 1/2 an hour a day ... decrease by like half an hour a week over the course of time ... Amazons, however (to my understanding), are a 3 to 4 hour a day bird. The other important thing here is that your 'zon has been taught to self-entertain (play with his toys) -- I have always said that there is nothing better than a 'zon playing ... so much fun to watch -- as long as he is entertaining himself while you are away you know that the time away from you is quality time for him ...

I am sure that there are people who have more experience with zons than I do, and I hope that they will put thier $.02 worth in here ...

Welcome to the Parrot Forums.

Way to go on taking on such a challenge by rescuing a parrot. I can't believe what some people do to animals, makes me angry. :mad:

Like Tex said each bird is different. I have an Amazon that hates to come out of her cage, when she does come out she goes right back in. I personally don't like to force him to do anything he don't want to, so as long as he is happy.

Do start decreasing the time little by little and see how it goes. I would still suggest by the sounds of your Amazon a few hours a day would be nice.
Thank you for thoughts, I appreciate them..
I think,TexDot, you hit the nail on the head. He doesn't play with toys, I don't think he knows what to do with them. The only toy he plays with is a Babble ball and that is only when he is out. When I first got him I would buy him toys but he just look at them and when he is in his cage even now he just sits looking pathetic and he self sooths by rubbing his neck.
It has taken all this time to get him to the point he enjoys his shower, he had no idea about being a parrot. He plays with me which is amazing, we wrestle and he attacks me, it's a hoot but put him him his cage he just sits.
Being the softie I am he wins... I think Mum is a pushover and needs to bite the bullet and leave him in there..... OH NO, I have seperation anxiety.
Well, now that I know what the problem is I will work on it.
How much do I owe??
How much do I owe??

Our long standing understanding here at Parrot Forums is that the only charge for our advice (be it good or not) is that we ask for pictures of your birds ... :D


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