Need serious help with taming!!


New member
Mar 3, 2017
Skye, Cloud, Beep, Lilac - American budgies
Okay, so I've made a post before regarding this topic but I'd like to post again because so far nothing has been progressing :(.

My two budgies, Skye (male) and Cloud (female) I've had for about 7ish months. I assume they're a little over a year old since when I got them they were just getting into maturity, and this is their first time getting broody and such judging by Clouds cere during this time (they're also store bought birds so i dont get exact age...) As far as their relationship with each other goes, it's extremely offstandish. They almost never preen each other, sometimes sit next to each other, but most of the time nip the air at each other when they come too close. No injuries at all so I'm not too worried about this. I'm lucky though, as I dont want them to breed. Anyways, my point here is that I dont think they're not adjusting to me because they're so bonded to each other.

Well I've been at this for months and months, talking and feeding and everything. I sleep next to their cage every night, and have been since I got them. But my progress just never gets far at all. Even still they're just so terribly jumpy around me even when the cage isnt open. I've gotten them to step on my finger with bribes before, hell, just the other day they stepped onto my finger WITHOUT bribes! I gave them so much verbal reinforcement and treats when they did that and I was so so happy. But as always, the next day all they did was run away from me. It seems as though every time I make progress with them it's one step forward and ten steps back :(.

I've tried so many tactics and read so much on it but nothing seems to be moving forward. I've let them out of the cage, but then I get panicky because I can never get them back in without chasing them with a perch back in.

Sorry if I seem frustrated, but I've been at this for so very long and feel like I've gone nowhere. They haven't seemed to gain any trust and when they do, they just go back to being extremely scared the next hour. I just want them to be able to get out of the cage and interact with me instead of being cooped up in there all day. Sure, maybe it's a bit of jealousy of all those people that manage to get them fully tamed within 3 days, but it's for all the good reasons...

Again, I apologize for my negativity it's just been so long... I'll answer anything you can ask me if it can help with this. Thanks in advance...

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Wish I had advice for you, but am completely ignorant of Budgie personalities! Keep bumping this thread, because there are experts who can share ideas.

I'm sure you are familiar with this thread:

Hang in there, I know you are motivated to do the very best!
Thanks! I'm trying my best, but I figured maybe someone experienced something like this. Yup, I've checked out that post certainly... mostly the same results. Thanks for the offer though!

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I don't know if I linked to it before, but read my sticky on Taming and Bonding with Budgerigars.

I know it can be can be very frustrating, but please don't lose hope! I have seen a lot of success in the method that I outlined in that post. It takes patience, consistency and time. I would not bring them out the cage until they are tame, because chasing them only hinders the taming process... I went into a lot of detail in that post, so give it a read if you have a moment! It may really help!
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I don't know if I linked to it before, but read my sticky on Taming and Bonding with Budgerigars.

I know it can be can be very frustrating, but please don't lose hope! I have seen a lot of success in the method that I outlined in that post. It takes patience, consistency and time. I would not bring them out the cage until they are tame, because chasing them only hinders the taming process... I went into a lot of detail in that post, so give it a read if you have a moment! It may really help!
Thanks! I hadn't seen your post yet! That's actually something I haven't tried yet. So I put my hand in the cage with a seed stick for about 2 minutes, while softly talking to them. They essentially froze and fluffed up, closing their eyes as if they were falling asleep. But I kept my hand completely still. This showed me that they actually aren't quite used to my hand yet. Is this the right route? I'm feeling confident. Once I took my hand out they "woke up" and immediately stretched and started moving around again. Should I keep on with this a few times a day? I'm out of the room now to let them readjust and I'll try again later.

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I know of no better readings than those above.

Good for you for caring, and hanging n there, and trying still!
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Ok, so I'd like to add something that really seems to confuse me. When I have my hand in the cage with seed, not moving, they freeze up and fluff up and "sleep". I've done this for upwards of 5 minutes and they've done that. When I bring a piece of seed to them, however, they take it with no apparent issues. This isnt consistent, however, because when I do this it becomes extremely hard to read their emotions. They start running around and yelling, but take seed from my hand... it's so odd. Should I continue with the unmoving hand in their cage and wait for them to come, or give them seed the way I have been?

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It's possible that they aren't overly hungry when you are trying, which is why you aren't getting very far.

When I worked with my budgies (years ago - I no longer have any), I fed them first thing in the morning by hand. They only got enough food to last for one day, essentially, and were never starved. However, since they are often hungry in the morning and most receptive, this is when I worked with them. Afterwards, they always received fresh food. Never forced to eat from my hands, and if they didn't, that's fine! They would still get fed!

They were all older adults, too... and all flighted.

[ame=""]1 Bird in hand Leads to Many - YouTube[/ame]

The amazing thing is, is that this method can also cross over to different species! Which it did! But here's the other video showing progression.

[ame=""]More Budgies!!!! - YouTube[/ame]
I would stick with the seed in your hand.

Owing to my previous experience doing it and seeing others use it I'm going to swear by it. It definitely seems the easiest way to start the process. Just to give you an idea of how long it takes though, as opposed to 2 or 3 minutes at a time I had my hand in the cage holding seed for over an hour the first few times before he realized there was food afoot and that maybe if he stepped on the weird pink thing he would be able to eat the food
Have you fed them only with this block? Ever tired Millet? (seeds in their natural stick form so the birds need to pluck them off one by one)

I realized that new birds are pretty scared of everything new and unnatural, eg: black tray dish with water freaked them out the first time cause I wanted them to bathe... so they could be freaked out by a funny looking block...

Millet and seeds seem to work, don't try new things unless they are VERY familiar with you already.

Keep at it and good luck!
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Have you fed them only with this block? Ever tired Millet? (seeds in their natural stick form so the birds need to pluck them off one by one)

I realized that new birds are pretty scared of everything new and unnatural, eg: black tray dish with water freaked them out the first time cause I wanted them to bathe... so they could be freaked out by a funny looking block...

Millet and seeds seem to work, don't try new things unless they are VERY familiar with you already.

Keep at it and good luck!
Ah, yes I have been using this block. But they absolutely adore Millet so I'll stop at the shop today and get some stalks.

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Update! They've gone leaps and bounds ever since I got some of your advice. Not only will they step up, but they also enjoy sitting on my finger!! My next step is to desensitize them from being far from the cage. Any tips on doing this without losing the trust I have gained thus far? Thanks everyone, once again!!!

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Little Budgies are wonderful creatures! So very underrated ad pets! Funny,playful,loving,they can even talk! They also can be very mischevious little buggers!

I was going to suggest,maybe separating them when you want to work with them...working with one little guy at a time? But reading your last post,it seems you have everything in control and making great progress. It just takes time!
Keep doing what you are seems to be working. And KEEP POSTING! WE all love reading success stories!!!

The best way to get them used to being away from their cage is to take them back any time they feel frightened or nervous - or take them closer to it. Whatever makes them feel safe again.

But keep using millet and treats to increase positive experiences!

Like little children now, everytime they do something good or favourable, a treat is never far behind.

Mine have learnt that my hand is their friend whenever they are stuck or need help getting back into_out of the cage.

Keep it up! Baby steps

Update! They've gone leaps and bounds ever since I got some of your advice. Not only will they step up, but they also enjoy sitting on my finger!! My next step is to desensitize them from being far from the cage. Any tips on doing this without losing the trust I have gained thus far? Thanks everyone, once again!!!

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