need name help


New member
Mar 4, 2017
Leander (austin) texas
Hi everyone,

I am getting an african grey and would like some suggestions on a name. My first grey was kenya. I would like it to be any location, or river etc.. as long as its from africa.

thanks for all your help, I just know that coming to you guys will give me great results!

Oh, name help! Yay!!! I have a strange obsession with names, having creative names for all my animals. Life is too short to name a bird 'Birdy", in my opinion!! :D

Some names I'm thinking of for your grey...

Zimbabwe (Zim or Bob for short? lol)
Yala (river in Kenya)
Zambezi (4th longest river in Africa)
Kasai (tributary off Congo river)
Amhara (major tribe in Africa)
Dinka (another tribe in Africa)
Zulu (another tribe)
Kanga (material worn by women in Kenya worn as a skirt and pulled up to carry infants)
Kanzu (white or cream robe worn by men in the African great lakes region)
Uganda (country)
Swahili (language spoken)

Hope that helps you get started! :)
Malawi, the Heart of Africa, and also, Nigel The Great Grey's home (LeaKP's boss)...
how about an abbreviation on Zambezi.
Zambi or Zamby.

I like short names. too long of a name ends up getting shortened up in some way eventually.
How about Volta?
Volta is a region & a lake in Ghana... Greys were once found across Ghana and in the volta region too. But a few feel the numbers might have reduced by over 95%.
Your first bird is Kenya (from the East)
The second one from the West 'Volta' :D
This is fun! I'm not very familiar with Africa so I'm just observing, this is great learning. I can share though that complicated names can be hard. I have an English bully named Canelo. Canelo is Spanish for cinnamon but when he goes to the vet, he's checked in as Canelo, but after that the staff call him Chunky Monkey because they struggle with Canelo, lol!

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