Need help with picking a cage for an Amazon


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Nov 26, 2021
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I am getting an Amazon soon! So excited, need help with a cage. The photo with the parrot, the cage will be slightly larger as if I chose it I’ll opt for the bigger size, this one shows 64cm from corner to corner and I’m planning to get 77cm if I opt for a corner cage. Which one is most appropriate do you think? Unfortunately I cannot get bigger than the ones shown due to space restrictions


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Perfect cage in the eye of beholder and occupant!

I'd opt for corner cage given the choices with caveat of placement limitations. Playpen at top useful though seemingly a tall reach. Please be very careful if selecting second cage with clam-shell top. Open position secured with perch; if dislodged or chewed can close shut, potentially harming (or worse) trapped wing or body. Many of us with similar design lock them in closed position!
Your not going to like my response as IMHO, neither is a good choice!
- Open Top Cage design seriously hurt far too many Parrots and can ever kill them.
- Corner cages look effective for limited space homes, but you will quick notice how small the interior will be when you begin to fill it with support stuff.

Amazons IMHO, need a sizable cage that allows room to open their wings and have tons of interesting things like several hanging toys that double as a something to hide behind while napping.

I have a dear friend that has a full size, Grand Piano in his small apartment. When I asked the question of why? He opened it full-up, plus all the doors in the apartment and sat, then played several amazing pieces and stated: That's Why, I am looking for a much larger apartment!

Why would one place the soon to be Love of Their Life in a What Will Fit Your Space? If the cage is all important, you should likely consider a smaller Parrot. Amazons are not, IMHO, a first Parrot choice for many reasons! Just because you have fallen in Love with an Amazon, does not mean they have fallen in love with you! With Larger Parrots, having them choose you is a much happier way of beginning a life long relationship.

If you are planning on living in this tiny space forever, you really should rethink getting an Amazon. After all they will need to be out and will need to fly.

Sorry, I am an opinionated old guy and have seen far too much during my long and well enjoyed life. Plus being an Amazon Snob. Getting an Amazon to fit a small space does really work well!

Visit the Website: birdcages4less Once there, find the section that provides cages for Amazons. Find a Rectangle cage with a flat top that allow for the play top. Select from only those cages with a full height front door!! You will find it an excellent choice when you go to clean the inside of the cage. Buy extra cups /bowls as you will need them later. Note: 400 USD is not common.

Remember the Cage is for Your Amazon!!
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Your not going to like my response as IMHO, neither is a good choice!
- Open Top Cage design seriously hurt far too many Parrots and can ever kill them.
- Corner cages look effective for limited space homes, but you will quick notice how small the interior will be when you begin to fill it with support stuff.

Amazons IMHO, need a sizable cage that allows room to open their wings and have tons of interesting things like several hanging toys that double as a something to hide behind while napping.

I have a dear friend that has a full size, Grand Piano in his small apartment. When I asked the question of why? He opened it full-up, plus all the doors in the apartment and sat, then played several amazing pieces and stated: That's Why, I am looking for a much larger apartment!

Why would one place the soon to be Love of Their Life in a What Will Fit Your Space? If the cage is all important, you should likely consider a smaller Parrot. Amazons are not, IMHO, a first Parrot choice for many reasons! Just because you have fallen in Love with an Amazon, does not mean they have fallen in love with you! With Larger Parrots, having them choose you is a much happier way of beginning a life long relationship.

If you are planning on living in this tiny space forever, you really should rethink getting an Amazon. After all they will need to be out and will need to fly.

Sorry, I am an opinionated old guy and have seen far too much during my long and well enjoyed life. Plus being an Amazon Snob. Getting an Amazon to fit a small space does really work well!

Visit the Website: birdcages4less Once there, find the section that provides cages for Amazons. Find a Rectangle cage with a flat top that allow for the play top. Select from only those cages with a full height front door!! You will find it an excellent choice when you go to clean the inside of the cage. Buy extra cups /bowls as you will need them later. Note: 400 USD is not common.

Remember the Cage is for Your Amazon!!
Hello, thanks so much for your response. I greatly appreciate it. See I plan on moving in three years and will happily opt for a bigger cage after. After looking through that website some can still fit my future birdie. But I think you’ll still think they are too small. The Amazon will be with me from aged baby to 3 or 4 years before I move houses. Do you think the one in the photo is suitable. It’s 32 inches wide, unsure if that includes skirting or not. The allowance for my current place in cm is 86 cm by 86cm and height isn’t an issue.


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Perfect cage in the eye of beholder and occupant!

I'd opt for corner cage given the choices with caveat of placement limitations. Playpen at top useful though seemingly a tall reach. Please be very careful if selecting second cage with clam-shell top. Open position secured with perch; if dislodged or chewed can close shut, potentially harming (or worse) trapped wing or body. Many of us with similar design lock them in closed position!
Thank you for your reply :) noted! Clam shells are out of the picture. Thanks for letting me know
I had this issue when we had our deposit for our baby amazon and was stuck on deciding on a cage. I spent weeks reading reviews and really I liked the corner cages but couldn’t find any with bars thick enough to withstand the chewing of an Amazon. Both our cockatiels each have their own cage with play top that are fairly large but would not work with a larger bird left unsupervised since the bars were not very thick. I ordered the first on Amazon (lol) and when it arrived was nothing as advertised and although they said it was for larger birds with their bad photoshopped large parrots with sizes of birds all wrong with cockatiel same size as Grey, lacking shadows. The bars were flimsy and the play top for one was missing the perch so they sent us another so we have 2...seems like the seller was good but the product wasn’t. So pay attention to negative reviews and return policy. If your going to buy one online. These cages were one of their highest rated cages at the time which had I looked at the reviews closer I’d have seen the negative more honest reviews.

We ended up finding one that is large with thick bars that is durable. Even the bowls that came with it has a bar across so the parrot can’t take the bowls out and dump them(which is a great feature since ours figured out to take the bowls off of his playstand and his favorite new thing is dumping it out everywhere then throwing the bowls on floor)

The cage we got him has a few flaps you can put down and ones that slide open on side to play top but unlike the ones that open on the top they cannot move them and trap themselves as was mentioned because that is an issue with many cages that do. We spent a little more than what we intended on the cage but it was worth it since it’s a great cage, safe and durable. Mummer doesn’t spend much time in it since he’s usually downstairs with us on one of the play stands, tormenting the smaller birds or hanging out on the kitchen table and chairs.

Truthfully I think having a good playstand on wheels is the best thing to have depending on where you place your cage and if you can’t get one that has a play top. His cage has wheels but is too big to fit through the bedroom door so playstands are awesome thing to have all though the house. I’ll include a photo of the cage because it’s a different shape than most and really hard to describe. Hes really is only in it for bed or when we leave house and can’t take him with us but he loves it. Every night he says “go bed”, climbs the stairs and goes right to his cage. Climbs around for a bit then goes inside himself.

Hope you find something you like that is safe, durable in a style that works for you. It can be confusing to find something!


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I had this issue when we had our deposit for our baby amazon and was stuck on deciding on a cage. I spent weeks reading reviews and really I liked the corner cages but couldn’t find any with bars thick enough to withstand the chewing of an Amazon. Both our cockatiels each have their own cage with play top that are fairly large but would not work with a larger bird left unsupervised since the bars were not very thick. I ordered the first on Amazon (lol) and when it arrived was nothing as advertised and although they said it was for larger birds with their bad photoshopped large parrots with sizes of birds all wrong with cockatiel same size as Grey, lacking shadows. The bars were flimsy and the play top for one was missing the perch so they sent us another so we have 2...seems like the seller was good but the product wasn’t. So pay attention to negative reviews and return policy. If your going to buy one online. These cages were one of their highest rated cages at the time which had I looked at the reviews closer I’d have seen the negative more honest reviews.

We ended up finding one that is large with thick bars that is durable. Even the bowls that came with it has a bar across so the parrot can’t take the bowls out and dump them(which is a great feature since ours figured out to take the bowls off of his playstand and his favorite new thing is dumping it out everywhere then throwing the bowls on floor)

The cage we got him has a few flaps you can put down and ones that slide open on side to play top but unlike the ones that open on the top they cannot move them and trap themselves as was mentioned because that is an issue with many cages that do. We spent a little more than what we intended on the cage but it was worth it since it’s a great cage, safe and durable. Mummer doesn’t spend much time in it since he’s usually downstairs with us on one of the play stands, tormenting the smaller birds or hanging out on the kitchen table and chairs.

Truthfully I think having a good playstand on wheels is the best thing to have depending on where you place your cage and if you can’t get one that has a play top. His cage has wheels but is too big to fit through the bedroom door so playstands are awesome thing to have all though the house. I’ll include a photo of the cage because it’s a different shape than most and really hard to describe. Hes really is only in it for bed or when we leave house and can’t take him with us but he loves it. Every night he says “go bed”, climbs the stairs and goes right to his cage. Climbs around for a bit then goes inside himself.

Hope you find something you like that is safe, durable in a style that works for you. It can be confusing to find something!
Thank you so mcuh for your reply and detail. I muchly appreciate it. Totally! It has been SOOO CONFUSING! However, I did go to a great pet shop and they recommended this cage and I just bought it
I have also bought a small sleeper cage so he will be away from the noise when he needs to sleep. Awww I love the routine! I am about to buy a Java tree and put a lot of toys on it he has a play area and I’ll get a desktop play area for my room before he sleeps. So excited : ) thanks again for your response. I am happy to hear your birdie gets excited to go back into the cage! Can I ask whether it is smarter to put my Amazon in his sleeper cage when he arrives so he doesn’t feel overwhelmed? Or is regular cage ok?
Thank you so mcuh for your reply and detail. I muchly appreciate it. Totally! It has been SOOO CONFUSING! However, I did go to a great pet shop and they recommended this cage and I just bought it
I have also bought a small sleeper cage so he will be away from the noise when he needs to sleep. Awww I love the routine! I am about to buy a Java tree and put a lot of toys on it he has a play area and I’ll get a desktop play area for my room before he sleeps. So excited : ) thanks again for your response. I am happy to hear your birdie gets excited to go back into the cage! Can I ask whether it is smarter to put my Amazon in his sleeper cage when he arrives so he doesn’t feel overwhelmed? Or is regular cage ok?
I’m sorry it’s taken so long to respond to this. We all had food poisoning and then had to try and rush around to get things done for the holidays after losing a week sick.
The cage you ordered is like the one I had wanted when I decided against a corner cage, but couldn’t find one in stock at that time! Its a great cage! It’s always good to have a second cage also so it’s awesome you got the sleeper cage. It would be good to give him a few days to get used to the environment and you when you bring him home and a sleeper cage might be a good place to have him depending on his personality. If he seems like he needs space.
I have read different things about when you bring a bird home. Some say to give them space, others say not to. I believe it depends on how they are. If they are timid then a cage away somewhere quiet is a good thing. If they are used to people already, and not afraid of you then keeping him close to where you are is okay also. When we got our Amazon he was only a few weeks old so he was too young to be placed in a cage, since he could barely walk , we had him in a plastic tub with shredded paper bedding you can buy for small animals (it keeps them drier than wood chips) and we put my youngest sons old baby playyard gate thing around the tub, so if he climbed out when we were in bed he would be okay. When he was able to climb out of that plastic tub and scale the gate then we moved him to a sleeper cage for baby birds before the big cage. That way if he fell he wouldn’t hurt himself. Like all babies they are clumsy when learning to do things and can hurt themselves with a fall. It took awhile before he was strong enough to perch and strong enough to be in his big cage.

I’d recommend paying close attention to your Amazon’s sounds and body language when you bring him home and see how he seems to be. They are very good at communicating to us likes and dislikes. More so than most animals, even some humans lol. It’s always good to let them get used to you when they are older and you bring them home. Most of our birds were not socialized before we got them so they needed space from us when we brought them home, you could tell they were scared and needed space. The two we have that were socialized babies hated being alone and would cry when they were left in a room alone(baby cockatiel cries sound like the baby dinosaurs in Jurassic Park haha!).

I want a Java tree so bad! They look so pretty! Much nicer than a playstand! I do love our playstand on wheels but can’t bring it upstairs! I’d love a Java tree for my office up there!

You seem all set to bring your boy home. Congratulations on parrot parenthood!. It always blows my mind how similar it is to raising young children.
I’m sorry it’s taken so long to respond to this. We all had food poisoning and then had to try and rush around to get things done for the holidays after losing a week sick.
The cage you ordered is like the one I had wanted when I decided against a corner cage, but couldn’t find one in stock at that time! Its a great cage! It’s always good to have a second cage also so it’s awesome you got the sleeper cage. It would be good to give him a few days to get used to the environment and you when you bring him home and a sleeper cage might be a good place to have him depending on his personality. If he seems like he needs space.
I have read different things about when you bring a bird home. Some say to give them space, others say not to. I believe it depends on how they are. If they are timid then a cage away somewhere quiet is a good thing. If they are used to people already, and not afraid of you then keeping him close to where you are is okay also. When we got our Amazon he was only a few weeks old so he was too young to be placed in a cage, since he could barely walk , we had him in a plastic tub with shredded paper bedding you can buy for small animals (it keeps them drier than wood chips) and we put my youngest sons old baby playyard gate thing around the tub, so if he climbed out when we were in bed he would be okay. When he was able to climb out of that plastic tub and scale the gate then we moved him to a sleeper cage for baby birds before the big cage. That way if he fell he wouldn’t hurt himself. Like all babies they are clumsy when learning to do things and can hurt themselves with a fall. It took awhile before he was strong enough to perch and strong enough to be in his big cage.

I’d recommend paying close attention to your Amazon’s sounds and body language when you bring him home and see how he seems to be. They are very good at communicating to us likes and dislikes. More so than most animals, even some humans lol. It’s always good to let them get used to you when they are older and you bring them home. Most of our birds were not socialized before we got them so they needed space from us when we brought them home, you could tell they were scared and needed space. The two we have that were socialized babies hated being alone and would cry when they were left in a room alone(baby cockatiel cries sound like the baby dinosaurs in Jurassic Park haha!).

I want a Java tree so bad! They look so pretty! Much nicer than a playstand! I do love our playstand on wheels but can’t bring it upstairs! I’d love a Java tree for my office up there!

You seem all set to bring your boy home. Congratulations on parrot parenthood!. It always blows my mind how similar it is to raising young children.
Thanks so much for the response!! I really appreciate the advice! I cannot wait to bring him home! I’m glad I have 3 weeks off before I go back to work to ensure he settles in and feels comfortable. The Java tree is beautiful! It also has two hooks for toys which is convenient, only issue is water will leak from the cup. Hahahaha oh for sure, birds definitely are like little children. More so than any other pet. Thanks for your advice and saving the day about the cage. Muchly appreciated :) hope you have a great new year!

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