Need help with my amazon

I would recommend you take him/her to the vet and let them take a look to decide what, if anything, should be done.
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How do I get rid of skin on a amazon parrot

Hi I have a yellow fonted amazon it has skin on its beak
Is it normal ?
Is there a way to remove it (get rid of it )? :green2::green1::green:
Re: How do I get rid of skin on a amazon parrot

What do you mean by "skin"? If you mean the skin on the top of the beak where the nostrils are, or on the sides where the top and lower beak meet, that is 100% normal, and by no means should you try to remove it!
Not meaning to offend hamza. but while reading another of your postings, the one about the feather plucking, you were asked about the cage size and told the cage was to small for him to be in all the time. you stated that he was only in his cage at night for sleeping. Looking at these photo's, he of course is caged, but it sure looks like daytime by how bright the photo's are and it appears to be natural light, not a light bulb giving the light.
Please don't answer questions falsely or give information that is not true based on what replies we state to you when you are giving a response to your questions.

Ex. you were told by HenPecked ( if I remember correctly ) that his small cage of 40 years is ok for him and his because it is just a sleeping cage. You then replied yours is basically a sleep cage as well. Yet all pic's you post show ya bird caged in what appears to be terrific natural mid day light.

You will get more help on this forum than anywhere else in the world. But the info you submit has to be true to get the help you need.
I hope you understand my concerns and know that :
1) I am not attempting to insult/accuse you of wrong doing
2) Trying to come across in a "mean" mannor
3) I am not wanting to make you feel uncomfortable here on the forum

I am a first time birdy mom myself. I would not have gotten this far with my Sammy had it not been for this forum. There are great bird loving folks here that will go out of their way to help you.
We will all make mistakes as we learn with our first bird. The key is to learn from them. We don't know what to do about every situation with our first bird, that's normal. But when things are pointed out to us, lets own that and correct it. Not try to hide because we are feeling shame cause we were doing something wrong. understand? Trust me, I still make mistakes. a lot. but these great folks help me and they will help you too.

thanks for reading my "vent" replied.

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