Need clarity re: sexual behaviors and timing


Well-known member
Feb 6, 2010
Maryland - USA
Parker - male Eclectus

Aphrodite - red throated conure (RIP)
My partners going a little bonkers with Parker always trying to rub on him or his fleece blankets and asked me "how much longer is this going to last?"

I assumed it'd be over with the subsiding of hormones,but I'm beginning to wonder. This has been happening for about a month and a half now.

So I ask, Do masturbation and regurg as sexual behaviors tend to transcend hormonal seasons and occur at any time, or do they generally only occur with surging hormones? Will this eventually subside?:confused::confused::confused:
The behaviors of masturbation and regurgitation are definitely exacerbated by the onset of hormones. But, depending on the bird, they might not stop once the hormones abate. The manic frequency might ease up somewhat, but I don't think you can necessarily count on it stopping altogether.

Personally, whenever one of my ekkies starts getting a little too amorous, I just put him/her back on the playstand to cool off. They eventually get the idea.

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Hmmm, not what I was hoping to hear. Oh well, we shall adapt! Many thanks Stephen, as always!
You're welcome, Chris.

Here is a link to a video that will help your partner see the silver lining to all this. Because, no matter how insistently amorous Parker may get... at least he's no Kakapo! Hahaha! [ame=""]Shagged by a rare parrot - Last Chance To See - BBC Two - YouTube[/ame]
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Oh my gosh that made my day! I guess the male like it rough!
That video cracks me up every time I see it! I just can't believe that poor guy just sits there and takes it! Hahaha!
I cannot add to the advice given here and i wish you luck with it but everytime I read about different species mating urges I always remember the surprise my friend got about 3 months into buying a male Vasa! omg! You should also have seen his mum's face!!
They are very,very different to all other parrots in that they are very "obviously excited" when things get romantic.

My friend to his credit still has the bird but he keeps him in a back room when push comes to shove.
I hope Jasper doesn't get all crazy like that :( We enjoy frequent cuddles and I kiss him to death every day hahaha

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