Need Advice About New Conure


New member
Oct 22, 2016
I have a sweet baby peach-fronted conure named Leo!
Hello everyone!!!

I just bought a new, four month old peach-fronted conure:green1: from a local bird breeder shop. They were very nice and told me they hand raised their birds, and also (of course) let me bond with my new friend for about a week before taking him home. While at first he was the sweetest thing ever, a and would let me pet, play, hold him etc., he has gotten a bit of an attitude lately.

He will let me take him out of the cage (though is occasionally unhappy about it sometimes) and doesn't mind when I talk to him or stroke his belly. However, recently he has gotten a bit grumpier and will try and bite my fingers if they get to close (and not playful nips like he has done in the past. Lately they've been real bites and I'm afraid soon they'll start drawing blood).

I love my baby so much, and just want him to be happy. I know patience is the key, and I just need to work on building trust with him. I just don't know how to as some days he'll let me do some things and other days he won't. Any advice on how to build his trust back up and get him used to hands again? Thank you!!!
my did it for a day also, the advice which worked immediately was "earthquake" moving your hand up and down to show your bird, that this is not a fun ... hope it would help :)
Search on this site for bite training, there is a lot of info. Too much to write about here. Do it soon before this becomes ingrained behaviour. Good Luck.
What Wrench said!
Lots of good advice.

I have an old bird who is set in his ways, and may be a good example of what can happen if you DON'T do effective, early intervention. Even so. I love him and would offer my thoughts.
I have reduced biting to almost zero over the decades... not because I've changed the bird, but I have changed me. And a lot of that has involved giving up on a lot of my desires/expectations. After years of battle, I surrendered. I don't do stuff that gets me bitten. I don't scratch his head much, ever... tail is okay. I NEVER do stuff that makes him mad... I don't touch others when he's out; I rarely try to get him to step up onto my hand first. Hand-held perch first, then hand. In some ways, I swallow my disappointment at having such a little monster for a pet, but he is what he is. I ALWAYS wear my hair down when he's on my shoulder, so all he can bite is hair. Hey, he's one generation out of the wilds of Patagonia!
So I guess what I'm saying is... wherever the dust settles... after you have followed all the best advice... please let it be okay. Don't do stuff that gets you bitten... take whatever ridiculous precautions needed and just love your little maniac.
But please... listen to and try all the good advice you'll get here. Don't surrender until you know you've done your best. Then just accept and love whatever/whoever your bird turns out to be.
Biting inside the cage, or outside?

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