Need a new oven.


Well-known member
Oct 24, 2011
Hahn's macaw, RIP George, Jenday Conure
Well, the oven is dead. Now we need a new one but where to start?

Can anyone give us ideas/models to look at? I want gas, and I know there is always the teflon issue. Thanks in advance.
Since manufacturers don't have a habit of making dangerous aspects of their products readily known, we usually have to make specific information requests. While it may be tedious, e-mailing or even mailing a written request/inquiry will often get you credible replies, where phone quests normally only get you scripted advertising spin.....

You might want to use something like this:

I am in the process of researching possible replacements for our gas fired oven unit and my primary concern is the offgassing of any fumes and/or substances, from the replacement unit, which may be toxic to avian pets within the household.

Does your company manufacture any gas oven units that do not offgas fumes and/or substances which might be toxic to avian pets during the normal range of their use (400 degrees Fahrenheit/204.4 degree Celsius), this would also include PTFE coatings and release substances.

Thank you for your prompt reply.
Since manufacturers don't have a habit of making dangerous aspects of their products readily known, we usually have to make specific information requests. While it may be tedious, e-mailing or even mailing a written request/inquiry will often get you credible replies, where phone quests normally only get you scripted advertising spin.....

You might want to use something like this:

I am in the process of researching possible replacements for our gas fired oven unit and my primary concern is the offgassing of any fumes and/or substances, from the replacement unit, which may be toxic to avian pets within the household.

Does your company manufacture any gas oven units that do not offgas fumes and/or substances which might be toxic to avian pets during the normal range of their use (400 degrees Fahrenheit/204.4 degree Celsius), this would also include PTFE coatings and release substances.

Thank you for your prompt reply.


Your awesome. I too need to look for a new stove. I live in an RV. I have a convection oven that I use a lot and really only use the burner function of my stove. Summer months we cook a lot outside. Anyway, when it comes time to replace my stove I am going to ask as you suggested. Thank you.

Your awesome. I too need to look for a new stove. I live in an RV. I have a convection oven that I use a lot and really only use the burner function of my stove. Summer months we cook a lot outside. Anyway, when it comes time to replace my stove I am going to ask as you suggested. Thank you.

Thanks WD, maybe now that I'm considering retirement, I might need you to sing my praises, if I find getting back into social circles problematic.....

Your awesome. I too need to look for a new stove. I live in an RV. I have a convection oven that I use a lot and really only use the burner function of my stove. Summer months we cook a lot outside. Anyway, when it comes time to replace my stove I am going to ask as you suggested. Thank you.

Thanks WD, maybe now that I'm considering retirement, I might need you to sing my praises, if I find getting back into social circles problematic.....

It's what I appreciate about this board/forum from other boards/forums. The people are helpful here, not scolding.
me too, I laughed when I saw the title , and thought 'we are a funny bunch, any problem we go on here and ask' and we always help each other out...truly a one of a kind forum :)

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