need a few questions answered


New member
Apr 18, 2013
WFA, Panama
Hello all
Looking into getting a bird. Went to a local breeder to checkout some of their Birds. they have been in business for over 20 years, so who am I to question what they tell me .but I was looking at some ring necks (blue)and amazons (yellow nape)and(panama), they told me that IRN where $600 and it took 4months to wean them. the amazons are $1600 and 7 months to wean. Now from what I've read every bird is different and they did say that,but sounds a little long does it not? Seems like that would take away some of that important bonding time you need? So for over thinking but just wanted to get someone else opinion. Thanks
don't know about IRN's but my BF zon was hatched on May 2nd and I brought him home the first part of august and he was fully weaned
I don't know where you are from but $1,600 for an amazon seems a bit pricey. I have seen them ranging up to $500-$900 on Craigslist and at pet stores, but they all have been at least 2-3 years old.

I hope you are a young adult so you will get your money's worth over the years of ownership.
CAG's go for 1300..where are you?? Zons are usually way cheaper.. Is it a breeder or a pet store?
I dont know where you are from and dont know much about zon's but $600 IRN is a bit pricey. IRN's are usually cheaper then an Alex and here in Australia we pay around $300 from a breeder and upto $600 at a pet shop for an Alex. Alex's and IRN's are very closely related, oxy was fully weaned around 3.5 to 4 months old. i bought him home at 11weeks old and he was on 2 feeds a day
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I thought that was pricey! Merlee i'm 40 something so I hope so lol. 94 i'm in California and it's a breeder, cag's are 1600 as well. Other places close to me are no more than $1200 for zon's what about the wean times of 7 months for zon's and 4 months for ring necks.
At what point do you get to pick your baby and how many choices will you have?How much time can you visit while it's weaning? If your paying big bucks, i'd for a good bird that is close by ,it might be worth it. Why are his birds so pricey? Are they harness trained and unclipped? Breed both of those ,have never seen that kind of money. Even harness trained and free flighted.
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Well I'd like to add I like the amount of time this breeder is having hem before weaned, the issue lately is breeders force wean there babies to flip a profit quicker, so I do believe this is acceptable... The prices though are very high in the ranges I believe.

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