naughty boy!


New member
May 23, 2011
hi there!

i have a gahla x Corella at home named Timmy and he has a nasty habit! When ever you try and touch his chest or around that area he just bites you and takes off. Timmy was a rescue bird. he can do some cool things its just that its a bummer that he has this habit!:grey:
Some birds don't like to be touched. I don't touch Merlin anywhere but his feet & head/neck. Maybe w/time your bird will allow you to touch him on his chest, but he may not.
Timmy is not a naughty bird, he is a normal happy bird
Mishka my AG does not like to be touched on his chest or his head.
It has taken me 3 years now, and only now is he lying on his back and letting me rub his belly.
Be patient, preserver and who know maybe one day, even after a few years he will allow you to touch his chest.
Out of my three birds, I have one that does not like to be touched...he only lets me touch his beak....none of my three want their chest touched at all. I hope you can break him of this habit...maybe it's as simple as just not touching him there.....Good luck
When I first tried to pet my cockatiel's chest he nipped at me, but now Bob doesn't usually mind. Sometimes I think I startle him; he always nips when I do that, and sometimes he just seems to not be in the mood for it, but in that case he just moves away and squawks.

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