Name suggestions!


New member
May 6, 2018
I will be getting my sun conure in june, when he weens from formula. I want to give him a unique name that the lady who is hand feeding can start calling him or her. I will be getting it sexed, but right now its too early to do yet. I hear of everyone naming their sun conures skittles or mango or kiwi. Id like to choose something more unique like nova or something. Id like to hear suggestions from the creative minds on here. Im not that great at coming up with names lol.
Thanks in advance!
My other half says they look like a tequila sunrise, so his suggestion is Tequila (or Quila / Kila for short)

I think that as red, yellow, orange and green are the colours of peppers, how about Pepper or Pepe?
Am I recalling correctly... you already have a Fiery-Shouldered Conure? What's that bird's name? Would you like them to be complementary in some way? It seems you like descriptive names, so... I might just go to my trusty thesaurus and look for synonyms of words like...

If you like people names, there are tons of fun online sites for baby-naming, but of course, most are gender-specific.

Another idea... if you'd like a color name, I bet there are color charts or lists online, too.

The scientific name for Suns is Aratinga solstitialis. A derivation from that might be fun.

Keep us posted!
pickle. gunter. snot. klyde. steel. kit. birb. mark.
I know! Mango. Lol jk don't name it Mango... really don't do it.
Suggestions: Galactic President Superstar McAwesomeville, Clover, Oscar, Mercy, Peep, Locky, Nessy, Will, Dr. Dre, Birch, Brittany, Crea, Stormy, Lord Disick, Squirrel, Mousey, Wind chime, Tutu, Brian
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Am I recalling correctly... you already have a Fiery-Shouldered Conure? What's that bird's name? Would you like them to be complementary in some way? It seems you like descriptive names, so... I might just go to my trusty thesaurus and look for synonyms of words like...

If you like people names, there are tons of fun online sites for baby-naming, but of course, most are gender-specific.

Another idea... if you'd like a color name, I bet there are color charts or lists online, too.

The scientific name for Suns is Aratinga solstitialis. A derivation from that might be fun.

Keep us posted!

We did just get our fiery shoulder today! My husband named him Rio. I couldn't think of anything complementary to that haha

I do like descriptive names! Or something that sounds playful 😁
I'll keep y'all posted on what i decide! I heard a few i like😉
If you want to be unique, but not unique, you could always call a bird their name in another language...

I've had several birds I've given 'unique' names to... ranging from White Waters, Storm Cloud and Saffron to Taxi, Sylphie, Jayde.... Jayde isn't exactly unique, since the idea for the name came from an auto-correct of "jenday" to "jayden", but I didn't want "Jayden" as a name. "Sylphie" came from "Sylph", aka like a fairy or air sprite.

The two birds I have right now that don't have unique names came with their names. I could have changed one bird's name, but couldn't think of anything different and I didn't have anything against the name, either. The other bird? If he didn't know his name, I'd change it in a heart beat! LOL
You can chose names from Epic poetry either Greek, Latin, Tamil, Sanskrit etc

Some such names could be Diomedes, Hera, Satyaki, Kannagi etc


funny you mention Nova that's the name my friend had for their female Ekki

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