Nail Trim Advice-New Parents of a Pair of 25 yo Zons


New member
Sep 16, 2013
Las Cruces, NM
Yellow-Naped Amazon named Rodney

Blue-Fronted Amazon named BeBe (BeeBee)
We adopted Rodney (YNA) and BeBe (BFA) in September. They are 25 years old. We are their 3rd family. Their first owners passed about 18 months ago and went to live with one of the family's daughters (a move that took them from Pennsylvania to New Mexico). The daughter, a friend of ours, passed away in September so Rodney and BeBe are now living with us. I know they have been through a lot and there's definitely an adjustment period. Because both their previous families are deceased, we didn't get much information on their care. It's been a learning experience and I think we are doing very well. Both birds seem very happy.

Rodney from time to time will step up and even let me pet him. He definitely has distinct moods but he talks and whistles numerous tunes a lot. BeBe will not let us get close to her. She has come to the side of her cage and let me pet her head, but it's rare and she'll only lets me do it for about 10 seconds. She lunges and snaps most of the time if we get near her.....unless it's to give her a treat. She is the eater of the pair and will happily take food from you.

Here's my main reason for the post.....I am concerned about BeBe's back toenails. The are long and very curled to the point of hindering her perching and climbing. I know we need to trim them but we can't get close to her much less touch her. I have a feeling our friend who got them from her parents never trimmed them. Other than taking her to a vet (which I am scared to do this soon since they have been through so much) I just don't know how to get her close enough to try and trim them. I just don't want to traumatize her any more. :(
I honestly would take them to the vet. If she wont let you touch her you would have to towel her to do her nails anyways. When we adopted our 36 year old amazon last year I needed to take him to the vet after a month. I was scared he would hate me or be traumatized. It actually brought us closer together, he was so happy to be home when we got back.

I don't think a pedi-perch is going to be enough if her nails are that long.
Good Luck.
I agree, it's best to take them to the vet. They are probably over due for a check up anyway. And they will be more comfortable with trimmed nails.
Take them to the vet and (if you can stand it, I could barely stand it - trust issues) don't be in the room when the trimming gets done. That way, when its over and you come in the 'save' them, you're the hero ;)
Sounds like good advice to me.
I agree. take them to the vet. it would take someone holding them while you do the nails. I had a similar situation....
Sammy was cage bound for the last 1 1/2 years before I got him. His nails were so long he would move much. the second day he was here I took him to the vet for a trim. he was pitiful. There is no vet close to me that handles birds BUT since I wanted nails done only and not a check up my regular vet that care for my 4 legged kids did the nails for me. most can do nails but not a medical visit. plus it is a lot cheaper. $10.
the closest vet for him for a check up is close to 2 hours away. plus they refused to clip nails without first a full medical checkup at $180 for office visit plus what ever treatment they applied at the visit would add to that amount, then I would have to bring him back for a totally new visit for nail trimming. Would not do it on first visit. Sammy could hardly move and when he did his nails would wrap around the small cage rails he was in that I got with him from the other owner and he would have to pull and snatch to move his foot. so I called my normal vet.
I toweled him to get him in the box for transport because we were new to each other ( he's my first bird so didn't know what to expect). at the vet I stepped back outa his sight while they worked on nails, got home and within 30 minutes he was moving like crazy in his new big cage. He warmed up to me at that moment. Never has he snapped at me or acted like I was the bad guy. now we are best buddies. he's very bonded to me ( hates everyone else in the house though). I think they know when we try to help them. Oh, the whole ride there and back I talk to him too. that was quality talk time I believe. he was forced to listen to nothing but me. lol
I think that helped him to bond with me. I hope you get the same relationship with your feathered babies. Good luck to you

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